Articles by Joan Irvine


ASACP: Learning from Dad

I learned about business, sales and programming by working for Fortune 1000 companies, but I learned about business ethics from my Dad.

Joan Irvine ·

Adapt Or Die

Like it or not, we live in a world of constant change. Technology and software used to be good for ten years, then five, then two – now we’ve lucky if it’s six months. It’s mind blowing and resource draining. In the past a caused-based association like ASACP could focus all its effort on its primary mission —in our case online child protection, with a few fundraisers to financially support these efforts.

Joan Irvine ·

They're Back, But They Never Went Away

In the October XBIZ ASACP Bulletin, I said “I joke about it, but it’s true that whenever I go to mainstream conferences/meetings, I feel like I have a big red “A” on my chest.”

Joan Irvine ·

ASACP: Personal Reflections After 8 Years

Every once in a while, I ask myself why I am doing this job. We have to focus on the worst of the worst: people who sexually abuse children, the criminals who profit from it, and the sick people who view and buy these images, which fuels this repetitive cycle. Viewing images of babies being penetrated and physically abused is very difficult.

Joan Irvine ·

ASACP Creates RTA Plugin for WordPress

ASACP has launched the Restricted To Adults – RTA™ Website Label Plugin for WordPress.

Joan Irvine ·

What's More Important?

I'm not much for rants, so I'm going to let somebody who's a little more eloquent than I am help me out here. Dr. Philip Jenkins is a distinguished professor of religious studies and history at Penn State and the author of a book (which I recommend) called "Beyond Tolerance: Child Pornography on the Internet."

Joan Irvine ·

ASACP Monthly Bulletin

This bulletin begins our monthly coverage of the latest happenings at the Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection, a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating the trade in online depictions of child sexual abuse.

Joan Irvine ·

ASACP Issues CP Alert

The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP) CP reporting hotline Compliance Manager has uncovered a new trend in marketing child pornography (CP), causing ASACP to issue this alert to surfers:

Joan Irvine ·

Safe Surfing: Part 2

In this conclusion to our two-part series on Safe Surfing, ASACP Executive Director Joan Irvine presents some tips on avoiding exposure to illegal child pornography, and what you can do about it

Joan Irvine ·

Forget "Bigger is Better" – "More is Better"

Most people recognize Adult Sites Against Child Pornography (ASACP) as the organization established in 1996 by Alec Helmy to help the adult site industry make a difference in the battle against child porn. Over the years, ASACP has reviewed thousands of reports

Joan Irvine ·

How To Safely Surf For Online Porn

Adult Sites Against Child Pornography (ASACP) is the leading organization helping the adult industry make a difference in the battle against child pornography. When Alec Helmy, head of Helmy Enterprises, recognized the need for ASACP in 1996

Joan Irvine ·

What Is Child Pornography?

Recently, a webmaster wrote Adult Sites Against Child Pornography (ASACP) asking for advice and a review of his sites. He was upset that he had to pull his content because other webmasters claimed it contained child pornography

Joan Irvine ·