Articles by Roy Karch


The Birth of the Pornorazzi

It has occurred to me that we have given birth once again to an entire new industry accompanied by its own job description complete with its own members, rules, regulations and hierarchy — the adult press corps, or the Pornorazzi!

Roy Karch ·

For Sale… Everything!

The current retail XXXplosion is affecting most hard goods being sold these days. It’s no accident that XBIZ once again seizes the moment and is bringing you its very own Retail Expo & Conference this month in Hollywood.

Roy Karch ·

Is This the End of Deeper, Harder, Faster?

That’s what the smokin’ hot Keli Richards used to scream while getting royally fucked on camera in the eighties. The mantra was carried on through decades of good porn during much of the video era. The words echoed through the rooms of the houses or wafted through the Porn Valley sound stages. Direct to video brought new stars to the biz, all wanting to be in bigger features only to realize, “Oh there are words, a script. I have to talk… to act?” It wasn’t long before direct to tape became a gentler way of saying direct to the [anal sex]. Gonzo porn was born. It was deeper and harder and faster.

Roy Karch ·

Finally Ready for 2011?

That’s right. The smart money knows that the future is where it’s at and they don’t mean next month. Now that the adult awards season is here at full throttle, most adult studios are prepping their wares for the big tradeshows about to be held in the next few months. All eyes are on the prize: readying the welcome mat for 2011. Like I said the smart money is on the future and the future is 2012. You read right. If you’re not ready now for the 2012 season, you’re way too late.

Roy Karch ·

A Sign of the Times

Is it just me? I mean, seriously. Is it just me or is every woman I see everywhere I look — on the street, at the laundromat, supermarket and bowling alley — all the gals I see look like porn stars, wanna-be porn stars, on the fence about being a porn star or simply a look-alike fan emulating porn stars? Or…is it just me?

Roy Karch ·

Horizontal Mambo in the Summer of ’61

The very first time I was away from home for the entire summer was when I was 15 and working in the Catskill Mountains as a busboy at Kutsher’s Country Club in Monticello, N.Y. I would be gone from the familiar streets of the Bronx as the tar melted in the gutters and the schoolyard chums cooled themselves off by making water showers from the fire hydrants. The heat and humidity made the city sweat. This is what I’d be missing, but I would be embarking on what would turn out to be an eventful summer. Certainly, the most eventful to date.

Roy Karch ·

Does the Summer Slowdown Still Exist?

Wanna know how summers used to be in the jizz biz, back in the good ‘ol VHS and DVD days? Well, I’ll tell you.

Roy Karch ·

Before It Was Legal — Man, Did We Have Fun!

When we were outlaws, each of us was working as visual pleasure providers, shooting the images, being part of the debauchery either on or off camera and making the content before it was known as content. Back then, some 45 years ago — before it was legal — each of us faced going to jail. Sometimes even to prison. Anybody remember that? Well, I do. Man, those were the days. Ducking and dodging the law was part of the business, the nature of the job, a risk of the trade. It was just a part of the game.

Roy Karch ·

Stuck in the Middle With You

We are well aware of what it costs to make a good movie. And we know how much you can spend to make a bad one. The range is vast. So is the difference in the quality of the product.

Roy Karch ·

Not Another ‘Not the-This Ain’t...’ Porn Parody?!’

Guess again. The floodgates have opened. The secret is out. The masters of adult narrative filmmaking have known it for decades; take a simple story, one that everyone can relate to, one that lends itself to any number of erotic plots, twists, innuendo and sexy teases, embellish it a bit with nicely appropriate locations add a pinch of wardrobe that both is reminiscent of the original and perfectly fitted to bodies that don’t quit and there you have it. The perfect porn parody! Or do you? Very basically, it depends upon whom you ask.

Roy Karch ·