As you know, my penis is like an industrial Phillips head screwdriver they use for fixing satellites in space and my fifth wife's vagina is octagonal, so you can see why we got together.
Anyway, the Pinks, as they call themselves, got together with a bunch of cyber-groovy friends to have a webcast orgy to raise funds for Katrina relief. Their October, 2005 wingding was filmed and the Pink+Aid DVD is now available for 20 bucks, all of the proceeds of which will be donated to
I have always been slightly awkward around people so sexually uninhibited. My Catholic upbringing still craves subtlety and menace. That is why when I asked the Pinks why I never see them at Vons' supermarket despite their distinctive looks, they replied, "Sorry, but when we see you, we hide in the lunchmeat section."
The inks were recently finalists in Adam & Eve's "The Search for Adam & Eve" in Jamaica. Halcyon described the DVD as "intimate, but not right up in your crotch" when I asked how he would compare it to "traditional" porn movies.
Pink+Aid features the philanthropic grindings of the Pinks, Lexi Bardot, Vanilla DeVille, Vancouver's Elli (pictured), and Ashley Fires.