Woman with incendiary device: I will blow you long time if you pull this cord, Yankee pig.
Me: (nervous laughter) Borg chicks are hot.
My eel and kidney pie-eating friend Tia Brodie writes from London that she is living with British porn babe Keira Farrell (who used to go by the name Keira Nightly, ha ha).
Some of Keira's Blightycentric porn films include:
- Aquafuct
- Are You Being Serviced?
- Cuntry Humpkins
- PeeGarden One
- Shag My Bitch Up 3, and
- The RearEnders
A cool French porn film would be Eiffel of My Ass
The Russians could produce Dickin' Kiev
Lurk Ford's homeland might come up with Dingos Ate My Labia
Tia Brodie says she'd doing well, thanks for asking, and might be back in the States later this year.