As this series progressed, I’ve discussed many topics, and used several disparate metaphors to explain my plan’s underlying concepts. From multi-national military coalitions to Industrial Age robber-barons and New Age porn tycoons, I’ve tried to illustrate the timelessness and effectiveness of incorporating a vertical marketing strategy.
Several readers (mostly newbies with little experience and even less investment capital) have asked me about what must surely seem an overwhelming and intimidating process; especially if you’ve yet to build your first site, how can you possibly expect to build up an array of different yet intricately integrated sites?
The answer is surprisingly simple: start small, and work your way up! While this is easy for me to say, it will likely do no more than increase the confusion surrounding my grand scheme, so in this series’ conclusion, we’ll take a look at a simple plan that nearly anyone can successfully implement. While details concerning the mechanics of building the sites I will discuss here are beyond the scope of this article, ample information may be found in the extensive XBiz Article Archives, as well as by reviewing our message boards, and other helpful sites scattered across Cyberspace.
Taking Baby Steps
Let’s begin by eliminating the complexity, expense, and burdens of running a successful pay site, and use a premium level AVS site as our primary revenue-generating tool. This site will be the primary destination for your surfer traffic, with exit traffic (surfers who visited your site but did not join) being sent to an affiliate program that promotes pay sites targeted to the same niche as your AVS site. This establishes a strong base for generating revenue, as you not only have your ability to make a sale to your own site to rely upon, but your sponsor’s ability to make a sale to his site as well.
There’s no need to stop our money-machine there, however. Why not try to up sell your site’s members on your sponsor’s site as well – after all, the more sales that you can make to each customer, the better off your bank account will be! While you’re at it, add other (non pay site membership) up-sell opportunities, such as live video chat, sex toys, dating services, gaming and sex drugs – the list goes on…
With multiple revenue options in place (granted, some are more “in house” than others), you can now turn your attention to traffic generation. The first thing that I recommend is an old AVS site marketing standby – building a number of ‘standard level’ AVS sites to feed your premium site, adding perhaps one per week to your growing network. This will enable you to maximize the traffic you obtain from the AVS’ link list, while providing opportunities for membership up-sells. Pretty standard, so far.
But let’s go a step further: why not break each standard site into 3-5 gallery pages, each with 10-15 pics, and promoting their parent site, as well as your premium site, and submit them to every TGP gallery you can find that will accept them. This gives you 3-5 galleries per week to drive traffic with – and the fun doesn’t stop there, because at this point, we’re still relying on outside sources of traffic. So it’s time to build your own TGP site, using your own galleries, as well as filler galleries from XBiz’ Gallery Booster. The easy way to jump start traffic to this site is to include a button to your own TGP among the recip links on all the galleries you are submitting to other sites. Add your TGP to the resource list section of every Webmaster site you can find, so that other Webmaster’s can submit their galleries to your site, further increasing traffic…
Congratulations! You’ve built your first Traffic Pump! Why not build another? Since you’ve now got a growing collection of sites, why not start a link list featuring your own sites, and supplemented with your sponsor’s sites. At this point, your main traffic source for this site will be your TGP and your AVS site’s exit traffic, but after you go back to all those Webmaster resource sites and add your link list to their listings, other Webmasters will submit their sites, bringing you fresh traffic! Link everything together, optimize and submit your sites to the search engines and every other traditional traffic source, and the machine will start to feed itself – growing by leaps and bounds!
Speaking of resources, there is one more aspect of your in-house network that you need to attend to and that is Webmaster resources. While it’s not likely that you’ll be building a site like XBiz, it would be a good idea to build even a single “Webmaster’s Page” linking to the ’submit’ page of your TGP and link list. This will help circulate valuable Webmaster traffic between your two traffic pumps, increasing submissions to both, and if your sponsor or AVS offers a Webmaster referral program, a banner or two might lead to a few signups – further increasing your revenues, and be sure to list any helpful submission tips or benefits for frequent contributors as well. Sign up with a Webmaster banner exchange program (like the one offered by XBiz, of course) to increase your traffic to this page.
There you have it! A simple plan that could roll out from scratch inside of a month (and for free if done carefully), and which has no real limit on its growth potential, and provides an in-house option for nearly every need. Nurture the network, increase its self-reliance, mitigate its dependencies, and you too will be ready to compete on today’s ‘Net porn battlefield!
So which side do YOU want to be on? The one hunkered down in a hole in Baghdad, awaiting the inevitable – while vainly wishing for the best – or the one with an integrated battle plan, with full control of their operating environment, and minor, temporary setbacks notwithstanding, awaiting your assured and total victory? I’ll see you on the front lines! ~ Stephen