In that the director Viv Thomas is British and presumably speaks English (among other languages), there is no excuse I can think of for this mind-boggling title. It seems like more a collection of keywords for a fetish website than the name of a movie, or something a Western tourist might hear from a strip club shill in some eastern European country.
Furthermore, who are the clip art guys on the boxcover? It looks like the first draft of the poster for a porn version of "A Chorus Line".
All that said, don't be deceived by the title or the picture on the box, for within lies lots of long-leggedy action, for people interested in that sort of thing. For me, legs just make it easier for them to run away (insert hoarse sobbing over the phone at 3 a.m. here).
David Lee Roth did not rave, "You'll get some Leg Sex Flirts tonight for sure!"
Previously: Counting floggers on the wall: Mr. S Leather; Scenes from a Pussy Party; Open bar at the Van Halen Place
See also: Viv Thomas