Let’s face it, videos are forever. Once we publish something online, it’s always going to be out there for someone to see. That’s why it’s important first to own your domain, and then to drive traffic only to your website.
The single best way to drive traffic to your website is by watermarking your videos. Watermarking is the practice of putting a hard-to-remove stamp on your content, which indicates its origins even if stolen. Years from now, when someone sees your video on a tube site or clip platform, they’ll know exactly where to go to get more of it, even if other platforms or sites you were using are no longer online or no longer allowing adult content.
I recommend using the lower left of the frame for watermarking, because it doesn’t interfere with the automatic watermarking of big platforms.
In this business, sad to say, there will always be a certain amount of piracy. But watermarking can help turn even piracy into an opportunity for you to gain new customers, as long as your videos are watermarked in a strategic way.
Avoid the temptation to brand your videos with artistic flair or a graphic logo. Instead, keep things as clear and simple as possible so future paying customers can find you easily. Fans can overlook even the most obvious watermarks. Even though my watermark is extremely clear, I still see comments from fans who don’t know my stage name or my website, which is why I definitely would not suggest using a whimsical font that is hard to read or an abstract logo that doesn’t give a direct web address.
Remember, the most important thing in the long run is to drive traffic to your website, so ideally your watermark should be “YourWebsite.com” and nothing more. It’s easier for customers to remember your website or stage name, rather than a logo which ultimately won’t help them Google you — or pay you directly.
I recommend using the lower left of the frame for watermarking, because it doesn’t interfere with the automatic watermarking of big platforms. Pirates tend to use the lower right, so if my video is pirated and the thief places their own watermark on the video, generally mine will still remain on the other side and they usually can’t or won’t crop mine out to add theirs.
I generally do not recommend using the top of the frame because usually the top of the frame has less visual activity and thus is easier for pirates to crop out.
In terms of size and font, it’s a good idea to have different options for different applications. For your paying customers, your watermark should be present, but not so big that it interferes with their viewing experience. For the free videos I place on tube sites, I use a larger, bolder watermark to really drive the message home so that if they want my best content, they know exactly where to go. Experiment on the different platforms that you are using and make sure you adjust your watermark to fit with any automatic watermarks those sites place over your videos.
Almost all video and photo editing programs, even free ones on your phone, can easily watermark your videos with your custom specifications. For every technical aspect of content creation, I always recommend going to YouTube when in doubt. More than likely, you will find several step-by-step tutorials on how to make a templated custom watermark in whatever program you are using.
Additionally, almost all platforms and tube sites will allow you to watermark your videos. However, there are some that do not. It’s up to you to decide what’s right for you. Do you take the income that the platform generates but lose the benefit of marketing your website? Or do you put more effort towards working with the platforms that let you self-promote with a watermark? Personally, I will take the self-promotion over the income because I know that way I will be driving traffic to a website that I own, forever and ever.
Remember, even if your website is not yet developed, it doesn’t matter! For the first few months that I was making movies for sale on platforms, my website was “under construction.” Don’t let the idea that everything has to be perfect from the get-go prevent you from making a wise decision. Since the movies you make will be visible permanently, don’t worry if you don’t have the perfect “one-stop shop” official website set up yet. Your watermarked videos will drive traffic to your website for years to come, so go ahead and start watermarking your videos now.
Meana Wolf is an independent producer who has received multiple award nominations for performing, directing and cam modeling. Meana currently produces content full-time for her Elevated X software-powered website, MeanaWolf.com.