Steven Perrie was arrested in 2002 after Tayside police discovered a hoard of more than 400,000 images of child sexual molestation on Perrie's computer, in addition to 16,000 video clips of similar content.
Since Perrie's conviction, stiffer penalties for child pornographers have been enacted in Scotland.
The intensity of the child porn content was reportedly so disturbing that officers assigned to the case could only review the evidence in short increments. The investigating officers found the review process of Perrie's child porn collection to be "extremely upsetting and harrowing."
The arrest of Perrie was the work of Operation Ore, an international child pornography task force, which traced the man's credit cards from a similar investigation in the United States.
The Tayside Police have recently upgraded their computer systems so that similar investigations that require the retrieval of large amounts of child porn content can be more easily conducted.
At the time of his arrest, Perrie confessed to creating "indecent" photographs of children between the years 1999 and 2002. According to authorities, Perrie claimed at the time of his arrest that the child porn was for his own personal use and that he was not distributing content to anyone else.
Perrie's attorney told the judge at his client's sentencing that Perrie's actions were the result of being sexually abused as a child by an elderly person.
"He came into contact with other children and his interest in pornography established itself," the attorney was quoted as saying.
The attorney also asked the court to order a rehabilitation program for his client.
Following his two-year sentence, Perrie will be on probation for one year. He will also be placed on the international sex offender's list for ten years.