Articles by Tina Reilly

More Sex, Better Life, Study Says

A research group has come out with a study proving that more sex makes life better for most people. Not only do more frequent sexual encounters make life more satisfactory, researchers say, but in some cases it can bring about a sense of well-being that is equivalent to getting a $50,000 dollar raise at work.

Porn Company Raided in the Philippines

The operator of a website that featured streaming video feeds of Filipina women masturbating on camera was raided by the National Bureau of Investigations.

Sureflix Launches 'Build Your Own Cinema'

Sureflix Digital Distribution made its foray into the online video-on-demand market this week with the launch of a new gay affiliate program called 'Build Your Own Cinema.'

Microsoft and Take Aim at Spam

Computer giant Microsoft Corp. has formed an alliance with to develop a single standard for fighting the spam glut.

April: The Cruelest Month For Spam

The U.S. continues to lead the world as the most prolific sender and receiver of unsolicited email, said email security firm MessageLabs, which determined through its research that 83 percent of all email received in the U.S. is spam, or four out of every five emails.

WhenU Yanked From Yahoo and Google Indexes

Advertising network WhenU found itself on the wrong side of the two most powerful search engines Monday morning after Yahoo and Google decided to yank all WhenU search results from their combined indexes.

The Search Is On for Yahoo

The web portal names localized search engine technology as the future gold mine for the Internet.

Sasser Writer Confesses

The mastermind behind the Sasser virus might have just been trying to drum up business for his mother's PC repair business.

U.S. Carriers Look Twice at High-Speed Internet

On the heels of a call to action by President Bush that all Americans will have affordable high-speed access by 2007, local telephone carriers are thinking twice about a market that was once dominated by cable operators.

EFF Launches Patent Busting Campaign

Civil liberties group the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) took a stand against bad patents Monday by announcing a new campaign to keep the United States Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) on its toes and more alert to patent submissions that have chilling effects on Internet innovation and free expression.

Morality in Media Polls Anti-Porners

Morality in Media, a nonprofit organization that aims to uphold standards of decency in the media, issued the results of survey Thursday that it feels aptly represents national support for more "vigorous" enforcement of obscenity laws.

Playboy Pens Deal With Front Porch

Playboy Entertainment Group entered into an agreement Wednesday with Front Porch Digital Inc. to enhance the delivery of its Video-On-Demand (VOD) cable television content.

Online Gambling Feels the Heat

The federal government flexed its legal muscle this week by putting out a warning to U.S. companies that promote offshore gambling websites. The feds are particularly wary of the promotion of Internet casinos and sports betting operations that operate outside of the U.S.

Father Peeved Over School Porn Pics

The father of a high school student filed federal charges against school employees who allegedly used the school computers to email "pornographic" photos of his daughter to each other and to students in the school. Signs Deal with CJTraffic signed a deal this week with, which manages traffic from ConsumptionJunction, SteakandCheese, FreakHole, and RevengeWorld. CJTraffic specializes in converting traffic for the adult market.

Porn While Driving

Cars and utility vehicles equipped with DVD players and televisions may be a saving grace for parents on long road trips, but in some cases, the temptation to watch porn is just too much for many drivers

AOL, Earthlink Sue Spammers

Earthlink and America Online took an aggressive stand against spam this week by re-filing lawsuits against more than a dozen of the most notorious spammers and marketers in cyberspace

Larry Flynt/Abortion Hypocrisy

Pre-election mud slinging slipped into high gear this week as the presidential rat race quickened its pace, with Larry Flynt adding fuel to the fire, alleging that President George Bush

Mobile Porn Scare For Brits

The transmission of information via WAP-enabled phones has garnered the attention of lawmakers and telecommunications operators in recent months

Beaver Dam Kid Porn Bust

Following the arrest of a California police officer for participating in a child porn ring in Beaver Dam, a more expansive organization has surfaced

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