The site, which aims to raise awareness about the debate over free porn that has already been the focus of numerous industry bulletin board postings, is described as a place where webmasters can discuss the ongoing controversy and offer possible solutions to the problem.
“It’s to the point where many surfers are of a mindset that free porn is an inherent part of having Internet access, and that it is a commodity offered virtually without limits in such high quality and diversity that there’s no reason to purchase it,” supporter and participant Ron Lee said. “As a means of changing the status quo, the Curb Free Porn site solicits voluntary participation in bringing the free porn problem the recognition it merits.”
In addition to contributing posts to the site, interested webmasters are asked to help raise awareness about the issue by displaying banner buttons and emblems to their signatures used on the industry’s various bulletin boards.
The site, which describes itself as a grassroots movement, lists no officers, board or spokesperson at this time.
Lee called the site an “effort that belongs to the industry.”