"The book is the first in a short series to give the entrepreneur (webmasters, whom I define as content owners or licensees, and primary and secondary producers) a handbook to be able to quickly digest some of the key issues related to first amendment in the adult industry," Rutchik told XBIZ. The second part of the series is expected in July.
Founding lawyer of the San Francisco-based Arts and Technology Law Group, Rutchik also said the ultimate goal of the series is to wisen up the businessperson. His second part of the series will focus on business law, litigation and negotiating business transactions, like mainstream businesses.
"I think there is a tremendous dramatization of issues related to 2257 and obscenity, which overshadow some of the more basic issues: avoiding business disputes and infringement litigation, solving these disputes, and how to strike and negotiate winning deals," Rutchik said. "Focusing on what I feel is important to the foundation of the adult business will help clear up some of the issues."
Chapters include "The Intersection of the First Amendment and Pornography," "The Miller Test," "Obscenity and Adult Establishments," "Congress’ Attempts at Controlling the Internet" and "Nude Versus Partially Nude."
Rutchik's practice focuses on the litigation of intellectual property infringement matters in the adult entertainment and technology industries.
To order the book, visit Lulu.com.
For more information, visit ThePiracyLawyer.com.