LOS ANGELES — Lance Hart has won the run-off campaign for the seventh seat on the Free Speech Coalition (FSC) 2020-21 Board of Directors.
The trade organization's statement follows:
FSC congratulates Lance Hart (Sweet Femdom, ManUp Films) on winning the run-off election against Steve Craig (Nalpac) for the 2020-21 FSC Board of Directors term.
He joins the victors in the earlier election: Board Chair Jeffrey Douglas, Treasurer Bob Christian (Adam & Eve), Scott Watkins (Doc Johnson), Mark Schechter (ATMLA) and Cathy Beardsley (Segpay) were each re-elected for another two-year term. Lance will also be joined by Jon Blitt (Mile High Media), who was also newly elected to the board.
FSC would like to thank Steve Craig for his service on the Board and is grateful that he will continue to serve with the organization as a member of the Pleasure Products Committee.