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2257 Compliance Pains

Recently, XBIZ World magazine asked a group of industry leaders, "What was the most difficult part of updating your records to comply with the new 2257 federal record-keeping regulations?"

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Analysis: U.S. on Defensive During 2257 Hearing

Crack down on child pornography? Absolutely. Destroy the First Amendment in trying to do so? No way. That was the message from the Free Speech Coalition that came out loud and clear at the “2257” court hearing this week.


Foreign Content and 2257

When the new Section 2257 regulations were released, they created a fair amount of concern for American adult content producers who use foreign talent. The problem for American producers was that a strict interpretation of the regulations led to the conclusion that U.S. producers could no longer legally use foreign talent in their productions due to the foreign ID requirements.

Marc J. Randazza, Esq. ·

No Decision in 2257 Preliminary Injunction Hearing; Judge Takes Evidence Under Advisement

While hopes were high prior to the hearing – which was first scheduled for Aug. 8 and then switched to Aug. 2 – that Judge Walker D. Miller would issue a ruling, he instead took all written material under advisement and has an indefinite period of time to make a decision.


2257 – This Means War: 3

In parts one and two, we looked at the issues surrounding compliance with the newly expanded 18 USC 2257 regulations and the need to fight them. In today's conclusion, we'll look at what can, and should, be done about the problem.

Gregory A. Piccionelli ·

2257 – This Means War: 2

In part one we saw how "2257" compliance is on the front burner for webmasters, content providers and video producers across the country. Today we'll look at more issues with compliance and the need to fight these burdensome regulations.

Gregory A. Piccionelli ·

2257 – This Means War: 1

Unless you have been vacationing in the Amazon, by now you know that Attorney General Gonzales has approved and published revised regulations implementing 18 U.S.C. § 2257.

Gregory A. Piccionelli ·

2257 Roundtable Bodes Well for Upcoming FSC Lawsuit

Straight from two days of depositions with the U.S. Justice Department, industry attorney and Free Speech Coalition Chairperson Jeffrey Douglas brought an upbeat tone to the 2257 roundtable at the Adult Novelty Expo.

Adult DVD Empire Removes Content Until 2257 Compliance Reached

In reaction to the updated 2257 record-keeping requirements set forth by the Justice Department on June 23, AdultDVDempire.com sent out a statement Tuesday to all affiliates informing them of some dramatic but temporary changes to its website.

Role of 2257 Special Master Explained

What on earth is a special master, anyway? That’s a question on a lot of people minds after the Free Speech Coalition delivered a list of its members to a special master for safe keeping in relation to the FSC’s motion against Justice Department enforcement of revised 2257 regulations.

GigaCash Announces Total Make Over, 2257 Compliance

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. – GigaCash has announced the relaunch of 34 new and improved GigaCash sites, all of which have gone through a "Total Makeover" for greater conversions and 2257 compliance.

2257-Compliance.com Offers Software Solution

SEATTLE – 2257-Compliance.com has announced the availability of a licensed version of its solution for compliance with the new 2257 regulations. 2257-Compliance.com's initial offering was for a remote service only.

2257 Compliance Statements Continue to Trickle In

While adult companies are no longer flooding webmaster boards with statements concerning their efforts to ensure compliance with 2257 record-keeping and labeling requirements, announcements are trickling in.

Fetish Club's Cash Fetish 2257 Policy Update

NEW YORK – Fetish Club's Cash Fetish program has announced it choice to use only hosted marketing methods in the wake of the latest 2257 regulations.

ASACP Claims 2257 Won’t Stop Child Porn

Contradicting the position of the Department of Justice that adult content is considered child pornography until proven otherwise through strict record keeping procedures known as the 18 U.S.C. §2257 law, ASACP has produced data that puts the majority of the online adult community in the clear.

S.I.C.Cash Makes 2257 Compliance Announcement

CANADA – S.I.C.Cash has announced steps that its current affiliates will need to take in order to remain in compliance with the new changes to the 2257 law.

Foreign Distributors Wait for 2257 Clues

While U.S. companies await either injunctive relief of the 2257 regulations or news on how the Justice Department will move to punish those who infringe the laws, their foreign counterparts have generally adopted a wait-and-see attitude.

XBiz Exclusive: 2257 Update!

A deal has been brokered by lawyers for the Free Speech Coalition in U.S. District Court regarding the new 2257 regulations, XBiz has learned.

XBiz 2257 Roundup: Who’s Doing What

With no immediate injunction against the Justice Department’s new 2257 regulations in sight, adult companies have been issuing waves of announcements regarding how 2257 will affect their businesses as well as their affiliates and partners.

Has Yahoo Been Affected by New 2257 Rules?

Yahoo may be impacted by new record-keeping rules that are set to go into effect tomorrow. The search-engine giant has pulled all user-created chat rooms that have historically included anonymous photos and streaming images and ad bots that deluge users with messages that typically direct to adult sites.