
News & Articles
2370 results:

A Quick and Easy AVS Site, Part 1

While so-called Age Verification Services (AVS) have been around for quite a while, many new adult Webmasters still do not understand them, or know how to build sites using them. Today I'll begin to show you a quick and easy way to bang one out from recycled free site parts...

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Scripting in 2002 and Beyond!

In December of 2000 I wrote an article with my New Year's predictions for 2001. The purpose of that article was to try and explore where the scripting world would be going in 2001. I promised to return a year later and write about how wrong or right I was. Well it is time for me to make good on that promise.

TDavid ·

Lions, Tigers, and Spiders

Ok, 66.33333...% false title - there are no lions or tigers in today's article but YES there are definitely spiders... No, not the creepy crawling, bug eating, you want to squash kind, but the site indexing, you want to be friends with kind...

DinDallas ·

Selling Yourself for Fun and Profit

No, this isn't an article about how to make extra money by hanging around in certain sleazy districts of your home town/city, but how to market yourself to a wider audience – both other Webmasters and potential visitors.

Niggle ·

Do Marriages and Porn Mix?

Given a current message board thread, I'm now sure that I'm not the only one that has seriously questioned this issue; but I have a feeling that like other people who enter this biz looking for more money and a better lifestyle, I'm probably not the only one who has at least thought about mixing porn and marriage.

Ayrora ·

Finding Models and the Pitfalls of Beauty

So you have decided to take pictures of naked women. Your wife or girlfriend is either non-existent, doesn't know, real secure (bi-sexual), or really money driven. Now that out of the way, you listened to my first article and know some of the things not to do.

Mat Waldie ·

And Now For Something Completely Different...

In a previous article entitled "The Secret of Success," I revealed a discussion that I had with a young lady about the requirements for getting into this business, and what was truly important if you wished to succeed. In today's challenging economy, there are a few new considerations that have occurred to me:

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Sponsor Programs and Amateur Sites

To answer several of the questions that I have received in response to my recent article on Sponsorship Program Basics, I would like to touch on the importance of using sponsorship programs on single-model amateur sites.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

The War On Terrorism, and its Impact On Porn

In the wake of the recent terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C., I began contemplating the future of online Adult Entertainment, and what impact these events (if any) would have upon our business. Here are a few thoughts:

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

The Balance Between Work and Play

So, how long has it been since you took a break? As today is Labor Day here in the United States (a day that most people traditionally have "off" from work), I thought it an appropriate question.

Ayrora Temple ·