
News & Articles
329 results:

Court Tosses Man's Bid to Marry 'Porn-Filled' Apple Computer

A federal judge has tossed a motion filed by a man who said he wanted to marry his "porn-filled" computer because he preferred to have sex with it.

Red Apple Media Says Clients Safe From ‘Heartbleed’ Hack

Red Apple Media has issued a notice to its clients that its network has not been breached by the “Heartbleed” OpenSSL vulnerability.

Red Apple Media Debuts ‘Pirate ID’ Tracking, Protection Service

Red Apple Media has debuted Pirate ID, a new service that reports to aid studios in the fight against online piracy.

Red Apple Media Announces ‘Media Vault’ Upgrade

Red Apple Media announced that has completed an upgrade to its Media Vault storage system.

Red Apple Media Upgrades to 10Gbps Switches

Red Apple Media has announced its completion of a comprehensive server upgrade with 10Gbps switches for optimal speed and load balancing.

Red Apple Media Providing 'True Streaming' Demo

Red Apple Media has released a new demo video for its Media Commander product that shows content providers how they could offer members a “Netflix experience” using adaptive bit rate streaming, aka true streaming.

Red Apple Media Unveils Media Commander Streaming Upgrade

Hosting and software provider Red Apple Media has released the latest version of its Media Commander remote streaming content delivery system.

Red Apple Media Clients Report 100% Uptime During High Sales Season

Red Apple Media has reported that its network has remained up 100 percent of the time during what is reportedly the highest-trafficked online selling season in history.

Red Apple Media Relaunches Flagship Website

Red Apple Media today announced the relaunch of its flagship website to better accommodate its clients hosting and e-commerce needs.

Red Apple Media Upgrades Online Store

Hosting company Red Apple Media announced that it has implemented a fully-automated inventory integration for online gay novelty store,

Red Apple Media Launches ‘We Do It Better’ Hosting Campaign

Red Apple Media announced today that it is giving away three months of free hosting as part of its “We Do It Better” campaign in celebration of the year’s end.

Japanese Users Create iOS 7 Porn-Like Photos

Japanese users have found a way to use Apple’s recently released iOS 7 to create iPhone photos that appear to be porn.

Australians Say Wearable Tech Boosts Their Sex Lives

The study, The Human Cloud: Wearable Technology from Novelty to Productivity , found that Australians lead the way in their relationship with wearable technology, with one in five even claiming that it actually makes them better lovers.

Red Apple Media Nominated for Best Hosting Company at Cybersocket Awards

Red Apple Media has been nominated for Best Hosting Company at the 2013 Cybersocket Web Awards.

Apple iOS Widens Lead Over Google's Android

New data shows that Apple's iOS has widened its lead over Google's Android in terms of mobile web traffic share in the U.S.

Crave Founders Profiled in the Guardian for Techy Ingenuity

The brainy pair behind Crave, Michael Topolovac and Ti Chang, were profiled in the Las Vegas Guardian for their mission to turn their company into the “Apple of the adult toy industry.”

'Words With Friends' Creators Sue 'Bang With Friends'

Creators of the casual sex app Bang With Friends are being sued by Zynga (ZNGA), the company that brought Facebook its family of “with friends” games.

Red Apple Media Parent Receives Business Award

Red Apple Media parent company dotCOM host has announced that it received a 2013 Small Business Award honorable mention from the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce.

Samsung Moves Ahead of Apple in Mobile Web Traffic

Samsung in July overtook Apple as the leading brand in the world in terms of Internet usage on a mobile device, according to data compiled by Statcounter in a report released Friday by

Suit: Apple Should Protect Lawyer From Porn Addiction

Every Apple device should be sold in "safe mode" with software preset to filter out porn, according to plaintiff Chris Sevier, a Tennessee attorney.