News & Articles
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ASACP Helps CCBill Policy Development

The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP) has announced that CCBill has implemented the association’s Code of Ethics and Best Practices for Billing Companies.

Chris Christie Signs Bill Toughening Stance on CP

Gov. Chris Christie signed a bill today strengthening New Jersey’s child pornography laws, by imposing a minimum mandatory prison sentence for those convicted of distributing 25 or more illegal images.


Coming Together as an Industry Has Never Been So Important

2013 is seeing a surge of activity in the war against child exploitation and unauthorized access to age-restricted materials on the Internet, making headlines and causing many cries for action against the adult entertainment industry, which continues to be wrongfully painted with the brush of balderdash that lays blame for illegal CP at its doorstep. Nevertheless, getting the vital message out that the adult industry is not to blame for CP remains a necessary endeavor and one that ASACP does not shy away from despite the difficulties involved.

Tim Henning ·

FSC, ASACP Blast Gail Dines' CounterPunch Article

The Free Speech Coalition and ASACP both have come out in staunch opposition to an article published last week by political news website that says that the porn industry has tried to burnish its public image by promoting itself as a good corporate citizen that can be trusted to self-regulate.

ASACP Presents Latest Featured Sponsors

The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP) has announced the latest honorees in its Featured Sponsors of the Month program, which recognizes select sponsors that help to protect children on the Internet from being involved in or exposed to age-inappropriate material.

ASACP Looks Forward to QWEBEC Expo

The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection has announced its participation in the upcoming QWEBEC Expo, slated for August 9-11 at the Marriott Chateau Champlain in Montreal.

ASACP Responds to U.K. Internet Restrictions

The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP) is calling for more thoughtful solutions to the problem of preventing minors from accessing legal adult entertainment websites.

ASACP Recognizes Sponsors With New Monthly Program

The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP) has announced the launch of a monthly program recognizing its sponsors, which help to protect children on the Internet from exposure to age-inappropriate material.


Apathy Is a Dangerous Road

There are many people in the adult entertainment space that are passionate about running their businesses in an ethical and responsible manner. These people generously support ASACP because they believe that protecting children is critical to protecting their business and the industry as a whole. They also support ASACP because it is the right thing to do!

Tim Henning ·

The Increasing Threat of Government Internet Intervention

While all of us recognize that attacking the adult industry over child pornography (CP) has always been an easy vote grabber for politicians, a worrying trend is now emerging, as what was once regarded as simple sabre-rattling is now starting to gather momentum in the public arena, and beginning to pose a real threat to the freedom of the Internet in general — and to the adult entertainment sector in particular.

Vince Carlton ·

Are We an Industry?

It’s been said that organizing the adult entertainment industry is akin to herding cats, due to the fiercely independent nature of its typically non-conformist participants, which simply shun anyone “trying to tell them what to do” — a trait especially prevalent among the younger operators attracted to the online space, where “teen angst” plays a major role.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

CherryPimps Signs On as Newest ASACP Corporate Sponsor

The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP) announced today that CherryPimps has become its newest corporate sponsor.

FBI Operated Child Porn Site to Nab Pedophiles

The FBI seized and ran an online child pornography service late last year in an attempt to identify and prosecute its customers, SFGate reported yesterday.

ASACP Attending 'FOSI' European Forum in Ireland

The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP) has announced its attendance at the upcoming Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) Forum 2013 scheduled for May 15 at Google’s EMEA Headquarters in Dublin, Ireland.

ASACP to Meet Digital Media Industry Leaders at XBIZ Summit

The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP) has announced its return participation in the upcoming XBIZ Summit, scheduled for May 14-17 at the Mayfair Hotel & Spa, in Coconut Grove, Florida.

ASACP Membership — A Great Value!

Since 1996, ASACP has been helping companies protect children and protect their businesses. Best Practices, a Code of Ethics, the Restricted To Adults – RTA Website Label – these are just a few ways that ASACP helps its members and sponsors. Everyone will agree that protecting children is the right thing to do, but many in the industry may have never stopped to think just how valuable an ASACP membership can be. Many may simply not be aware of the frequency that ASACP is contacted by law enforcement seeking information and cooperation with ASACP members and sponsors. It has taken several years for ASACP to build a positive relationship with these agencies and it is directly because of this effort that ASACP has been able to assist several members and sponsors with inquiries by law enforcement regarding their operations. ASACP respects the confidentiality of our members and sponsors, so we won’t name names, however I will share a few anonymous examples.

Tim Henning · Newest ASACP Corporate Sponsor

The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP) has announced as its newest corporate sponsor.


ASACP: Pedophiles as Victims — Really?

I have spent the bulk of my professional life working to protect children online. After nearly 17 years I have seen — what are for the vast majority of people — unimaginable crimes perpetrated against children. Children are the most vulnerable members of society and clearly require society to protect them from would be abusers. Those children that have suffered sexual abuse at the hands of pedophiles are quite obviously the victims. Pedophiles who perpetrate these heinous acts are quite obviously the criminals — vilified, hated and scorned by society — or is it that simple?

Tim Henning ·

Tim Henning to Discuss ASACP's Mission at TPF

Tim Henning, the executive director of The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP), will be discussing the association's mission at this week's Phoenix Forum in Tempe Ariz., where he'll also play in the X2K charity golf event to benefit ASACP.

EPG Becomes Newest ASACP Corporate Sponsor

The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP) has announced that Euro Payment Group GmbH (EPG) has become its newest corporate sponsor.