
News & Articles
395 results:

Philippines Senate Passes Cybersex Crime Bill

The Philippines Senate has passed a bill penalizing cybersex and other online crimes.

Hawaii Data-Retention Bill 'Still Alive,' Proponent Says

A data-retention bill that would force ISPs to spy on users’ browsing habits may have been tabled last week in Hawaii's Legislature, but its chief proponent plans on keeping it on track.

Senate Rejects Bill to Repeal Net-Neutrality Rule

The Senate today voted against a resolution to reverse a U.S rule that would bar Internet service providers from interfering with subscribers’ web traffic.

U.S. House Introduces 'Rogue Websites' Bill

U.S. House lawmakers introduced a bill this week that would crack down on rogue websites that sell pirated content.

House Judiciary Committee Passes Internet Snooping Bill

The U.S. House Judiciary Committee has approved a measure that would force ISPs to save users’ IP address information for one year to aid in the fight against child porn.

Another Online Censorship Bill Struck Down in Alaska

Another attempt to censor the Internet has been struck down by a federal judge in Alaska.

Another Anti-Piracy Bill Moves Forward

The Senate Judiciary Committee has pushed forward a bill that would make it illegal for website operators to profit from streaming pirated movies to consumers.


The PROTECT IP Act – Warning: This Bill May Cause Seizures

If a lawmaker were to mix the overzealous propaganda of the USA Patriot Act with the overreaching executive authority of COICA, the new PROTECT IP Act would probably be the result

Lawrence Walters ·

Bill Margold, Dian Hanson to Receive U.K. Erotic Awards

Industry veterans William (Bill) Margold and Dian Hanson will be the recipients of lifetime achievement awards at the U.K.’s 14th annual The Erotic Awards to be held at the Night of the Senses Ball in London on May 20.

Oregon Senators Pass CP Bill

The Oregon Senate has passed a bill making it illegal to intentionally look at child pornography online, even if it isn’t downloaded or purchased.

Bill Clinton to Speak at ICANN Meeting

ICANN's San Francisco meeting, which starts today, promises to be a memorable one.

Senator Seeks to Block New Online Piracy Bill

U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden is siding with free speech advocates, vowing to fight against the online piracy bill passed by a Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday.

Senate Panel Passes Online Piracy Bill

A U.S. Senate panel passed an anti-piracy bill today that gives government agencies new powers to go after foreign websites that sell counterfeit goods and pirated content.

Proposed Illegal File-Sharing Bill on Hold

A proposed bill that would have given the Justice Department power to shut down illegal file-sharing websites has been put on hold at least for the time being.

Missouri Porn Bill Signed

Governor Jay Nixon signed a controversial porn bill Friday that will regulate strip clubs and other adult businesses.

'Sexting' Bill Passes Ohio House: Kids Not Labeled Criminals

The Ohio House passed “sexting” legislation yesterday that prohibits minors from using a telecommunications device to send nude material to another minor.

U.K. Passes Digital Economy Bill

The British Parliament has passed the Digital Economy Bill which seeks to crackdown on Internet piracy and illegal file-sharing.

Minn. Bill Would Ban Workers From Violent Hotel Porn

A state senator is proposing legislation that would ban state employees traveling on business from staying at hotels that offer violent, pay-per-view porn.

Mo. Bill Would Make CP Offenders Financially Liable

New Missouri legislation would make those found guilty of child porn offenses on the hook for at least $150,000 in damages under a proposal backed by the state’s attorney general.

Eden Fantasys Interviews Leatherbeaten Owner Bill Ditchburn

Eden Fantasys is hosting Leatherbeaten for an interactive community interview with Bill Ditchburn open for questions until Dec. 4.