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Bill Margold Speaks: 2

In part one we looked at "The Plimpton of Porn" and his refusal to compromise his beliefs. In today's conclusion, we'll look at Margold's concept of a tax on adult products and notion of imposing a 21-year-old minimum on adult performers.

Rodger Jacobs ·

Bill Margold Speaks: 1

It's a sweltering spring afternoon with temperatures hovering in the 80s. Despite the fact that the air conditioning in the hotel room isn't working, creating a stifling atmosphere, Bill Margold passively sips his iced tea and literally never breaks a sweat over the ensuing five hours of dialogue. But he betrays emotion and myopic eyes moist with tears when he discusses the death of Jim Holliday. Margold and the late adult industry historian enjoyed a 25-year friendship.

Rodger Jacobs ·

Sen. McCain Drafts Broadband Bill

In an attempt to break through state barriers and enable U.S. cities to offer broadband services to residents, Sens. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) are guiding a bill through the Senate that would give municipalities the right to provide broadband services to their residents.

Texas Bill Targeting Violent Sex Websites Shot Down

A Texas bill targeting online adult websites that depict violent sex acts was shot down Saturday; however, the legislator who initiated it vows to reintroduce it in January.

California Bill Seeks to Redefine Obscenity

State Sen. Elaine Alquist, D-Santa Clara, has revised a bill originally submitted in February that seeks to define obscenity in the state, with special regard to how cases are prosecuted in situations involving people who appear to be minors.

Brits Add Playboy to Phone Bill

British cellphone users can now order adult channels like Playboy and the Spice Network for their televisions but be charged for text messages on their phone bills. Playboy TV UK is the first network in the British Isles to allow SMS-based ordering.

Missouri Senate Approves Anti-Porn Bill

A bill aimed at regulating sexually-oriented businesses received approval from the Missouri senate and now faces one more round of voting before it reaches the House. Bill SB 32 seeks to curtail the freedoms currently afforded to strip clubs and adult video retail outlets.

Opponents Push Back against Anti-Spyware Bill

Online advertisers won a major battle Wednesday when the U.S. House of Representative agreed to amend an anti-spyware bill to explicitly exempt all types of cookies and allow embedded ads on web pages without identifying information.

Calif. Bill to Outlaw P2P Program Distribution

California state Sen. Kevin Murray has introduced legislation that will punish the creators, distributors and promoters of file-sharing software with fines and jail time for each instance of copyright violation found on the network.

Congress Shelves Online Piracy Bill

Congress has adjourned for the year before increasing the penalties for online piracy and movie bootlegging; in what some observers see as a rebuff of Hollywood, and the major record labels – and interpret as a promising sign for consumers.

New Aussie Bill Gives ISPs DMCA-Like Restrictions

Australian Internet service providers may be forced to deal with Digital Millennium Copyright Act-style take-down notices in the near future if a bill tabled in the Australian senate today is approved.

New Canadian Child Pornography Bill

Liberals have tabled a modified child protection bill in the House of Commons that would turn up the heat on child pornography and voyeurism, tripling prison terms for offenders from six months to eighteen months.


I'll Bill You Later

At the time of this writing, another processor fights for its life while affiliated webmasters, and webmaster affiliates, contemplate the potential losses that would result from the immediate elimination of further re-bills. What's the big deal? Let's look a little deeper:

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Second Spyware Bill Adds Prison Time to Penalty

As lawmakers make a mad dash to resolve the looming issue of spyware, the House of Representatives passed a second spyware bill that would add prison time to penalties incurred for installing software programs that monitor Internet users and their activities.

Schwarzenegger Signs Bill Sponsored by The Free Speech Coalition

After rallying for a bill that could potentially protect adult business owners during federal investigations, the Free Speech Coalition had cause to celebrate this week after Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed pro adult business measure AB1894 into law.

Bill Targeting P2P Circumvents 'Betamax' Ruling

The federal Copyright Office is backing legislation that would create a new form of copyright liability for “intentionally inducing” infringement. The bill, which targets peer-to-peer network operators like Kazaa, is a "threat to creativity," an industry official says.

Bill to Strip Sex From Movies Inches Forward

In a decision that embraces the promises of technology, lawmakers Wednesday voted in favor of a bill allowing filters to comb out sex and obscene material in films. The vote follows a U.S. Supreme Court decision last month that said there may have been recent important technological advances.

Bush Signs Identity Theft Bill

Congress and President Bush sent a stern warning to identity thieves Thursday morning along with the promise of added jail time and penalties if they are caught stealing personal identification information from consumers.

Bill Gates Says DVD Market Is Doomed

One of the primary forms of revenue for the adult entertainment industry might be destined for extinction in the coming years, at least if Microsoft Chairman and founder Bill Gates is correct in his prediction. Gates' forecast comes only days before the official kick-off of the Video Software Dealers Association 2004 Home Entertainment convention in Las Vegas.

Spyware Bill Would Punish Offenders

As Congress is trying to come to grips with the changing face of technology and its impact on privacy and digital-age criminal activity, the House Energy and Commerce Committee moved to recommend the Safeguard Against Privacy Invasions Act and Securely Protect Yourself Against Cyber Trespass Act.