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FSC Delays COVID-19 Guideline Changes Until Cal/OSHA Update

Free Speech Coalition (FSC) has released a statement announcing the postponement of a California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) meeting to update local COVID-19 protocols, which will also delay changes to the current FSC advisory on adult set protocols.

FSC: Cal/OSHA Approves Emergency COVID-19 Safety Standards

Free Speech Coalition (FSC) announced the California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (Cal/OSHA) has "unanimously approved" temporary emergency standards related to COVID-19 prevention.

FSC Requests Adult Industry Representation on Cal/OSHA Advisory Committee

The Free Speech Coalition (FSC) has formally requested through an official statement that a newly created Cal/OSHA advisory committee on the adult industry have adequate representation from industry stakeholders — including performers, performer advocates, producers and PASS doctors.

Cal/OSHA Votes to Create Advisory Committee to Examine Adult Production Sets

The California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (Cal/OSHA) “voted unanimously today to create an advisory committee because of workplace violence concerns,” reported Alana Evans, President of the Adult Performers Actors Guild (APAG), who attended the meeting.

Cal/OSHA District Manager Charged in Bribery Case

California’s Department of Justice said today that it charged Richard Fazlollahi, Cal/OSHA’s Santa Ana district manager, with bribery.

Cal/OSHA to Review Oakland Transcript to Plan Next Steps

Nathan Schmidt, who heads Cal/OSHA’s legal unit and who chaired the Oakland advisory meeting on Tuesday, told XBIZ today that the competing petitions are now on hold while state officials go over testimony.

Cal/OSHA Releases Agenda for Adult Film Advisory Meeting

Cal/OSHA officials today outlined what they will cover during a Jan. 31 advisory meeting that will discuss bloodborne pathogen exposure in the adult film industry.

Cal/OSHA Offers More Details About Jan. 31 Advisory Meeting

Cal/OSHA will have on hand two agency officials at January’s advisory meeting that will discuss two petitions surrounding bloodborne pathogen exposure in the adult film industry.

Cal/OSHA to Discuss Adult Film Standards on Nov. 10

Cal/OSHA officials today said that an advisory meeting will be held next month to discuss issues surrounding bloodborne pathogen exposure in the adult film industry.

Cal-OSHA Reporter Details Last Week's Hearing in Walnut Creek, Calif.

Today’s issue of the daily Cal-OSHA Reporter newsletter reported details of last week’s Cal/OSHA Standards Board hearing, where a regulatory panel heard from members from the adult entertainment performer community and those from the AIDS Healthcare Foundation over two proposals that would amend or expand rules for bloodborne pathogen exposure at porn shoots.

FSC, AHF Petitions Weighed Prior to Cal/OSHA Meeting

Cal/OSHA’s Standards Board released findings this week on two petitions that sought to alter § 5193, which prescribes protections against bloodborne pathogens for California porn shoots.

Cal/OSHA to Weigh New FSC, AHF Petitions at Aug. 18 Hearing

Adult entertainment stakeholders voiced their opinions yesterday at Cal/OSHA Standards Board’s monthly meeting over future proposals to further regulate adult film making in the state.

James Deen, 'Taking a Stand,' Challenges Cal/OSHA Citations

Adult film star James Deen said this morning he is continuing his legal fight against Cal/OSHA after it issued nine workplace safety citations along with fines of $77,875 against James Deen Productions.

Cal/OSHA Creating Advisory Panel to Develop Regs for Adult Filmmaking, FSC Says

Cal/OSHA will create a new advisory committee to help shape new regulations for the adult industry, according to the Free Speech Coalition.

James Deen Files Cal/OSHA Complaint Against Bellator MMA, Viacom

James Deen has filed a Cal/OSHA complaint of bloodborne pathogen violations under section 5193 of the California Code of Regulations against Bellator MMA and its owner Viacom, Inc.

Adult Performers Asked to Attend Cal/OSHA Hearing on Thursday

The Free Speech Coalition has asked adult entertainment performers and production staff to attend Thursday’s California's Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board meeting in San Diego.

Cal/OSHA Proposes Penalties Against

Cal/OSHA's proposed penalties of $146,600 against for 13 violations of worker safety laws are the largest ever levied against an adult filmmaker.

AHF's Weinstein Using Cal/OSHA to Target Opponents, FSC Says

Eric Paul Leue, executive director of the Free Speech Coalition, today slammed Michael Weinstein, the president of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, claiming that he’s abusing the Cal/OSHA complaints system to harass adult entertainment performers. Slams New Cal/OSHA Citations Directed at Studio late Friday said that Cal/OSHA has alerted them that the studio will face several new citations over its decision to give adult performers choice in using condoms.

FSC Says AHF Abuses Cal/OSHA Complaint Process to Harass Political Opponents

The Free Speech Coalition today lashed out at the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, condemning its use of the Cal/OSHA inspection process for its own goals. Specifically, the FSC said that the AHF selectively punishes performers and producers who oppose them politically.