
News & Articles
15 results:

Irish Government Releases Report on Sex Work Decriminalization Legislation

The Irish government has released a report reviewing a 2017 law that decriminalized sex work across the country.

Streamate's 'Elevate' Partners With Miss Mei on Decriminalization Initiative

Streamate’s Elevate initiative is debuting a November collaboration with creator and community advocate Miss Mei that will highlight the modern criminalization of sex work.

Ukrainian Parliament Registers Bill to Decriminalize Porn

Ukraine's parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, registered a bill today to decriminalize the creation and distribution of pornography.

Spain's Government Fails in Attempt to Recriminalize, 'Abolish' Sex Work

Spain’s Socialist Party (PSOE) suffered a sound defeat on Tuesday in its attempt to recriminalize sex work in Spain, as a controversial bill promoted by Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s government failed to gain parliamentary support among the party’s ruling coalition allies.

Canadian Sex Workers Challenge Constitutionality of 'Nordic Model' Law

A coalition of sex workers and sex work advocacy groups is fighting in an Ontario court to have an anti-sex-work law repealed in Canada.

Sweden Threatens 'Mandatory Jail' for Clients of Sex Workers

The European Sex Worker Alliance (ESWA) is circulating a petition in solidarity with Swedish sex worker activists fighting a politically motivated attempt to require mandatory jail time for their clients.

'Last Week Tonight With John Oliver' Spotlights Sex Work, Decriminalization

HBO’s “Last Week Tonight With John Oliver” aired a segment Sunday night highlighting sex worker rights and the fight for decriminalization.

New York Times Publishes Rare Op-Ed by a Sex Worker

The New York Times’ Opinion section, which under editor Kathleen Kingsbury has routinely foregrounded the voices of anti-porn activists, SWERFs and assorted sex-work deniers, yesterday published a rare op-ed penned by a sex worker.

Amberly Rothfield to Speak at Sex Work Decriminalization Rally This Sunday in New York

Adult industry consultant Amberly Rothfield will be among the featured speakers at "Sex Work is Work: A Rally for Sex Work Decriminalization" scheduled for Sunday, May 2, from 12-2 p.m. (PDT) at Tompkins Square Park in New York City.

New ACLU Report Calls for Full Decriminalization of Sex Work

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) released yesterday a comprehensive review of over 80 studies about sex work entitled “Is Sex Work Decriminalization the Answer? What the Research Tells Us.”

NBC's 'Today Show' Two-Sides Sex Worker Rights Issue, Endorses 'Nordic Model'

NBC’s popular morning news show the "Today Show" featured a segment today two-siding the issue of sex worker rights between an advocate of full decriminalization — the position overwhelmingly supported by sex workers — and an abolition activist and advocate of the “Nordic Model” of eradication of sex work by criminalizating “pimps and johns.”

Dem Presidential Candidates Still Vague On Sex Work 'Decriminalization'

Several mainstream media headlines this week heralded vague statements made by Democratic presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders supposedly concerning their “support” for “decriminalizing” sex work.

Sen. Kamala Harris Calls for Decriminalization of Sex Work

In an exclusive interview with TheRoot, Sen. Kamala Harris, who is among the pack of candidates vying for the 2020 Democratic nomination for president, has announced her support for the decriminalization of sex work.

FSC Backs HIV Decriminalization Law

The Free Speech Coalition today issued a press release titled, “The Importance of SB 239,” which analyzes the new law that repeals provisions for criminal penalties involving unprotected sex and communicable diseases.

Amnesty International Votes to Support Decriminalization of Sex Work

Amnesty International today adopted a resolution to develop a policy that supports the full decriminalization of all aspects of consensual sex work.