
News & Articles
527 results:

Internet, Social Issues Hurt Adult Magazines, Study Says

The Internet continues to be the bane of the print magazine’s existence, at least in the adult space, according to numbers published this week in the National Directory of Magazines (NRM), put out by Oxbridge Communications.

Adult Internet Giant Buys Man's Fat

CYBERSPACE – has offered to buy 100 lbs of fat from one of its online executives.

Playboy Offering Broadcast Content Through Internet in Poland

Adult giant Playboy is partnering with Warsaw-based ASTER to deliver television content through the Internet. It is the first time that the capabilities of IP Multicast technology have been applied in Poland. ASTER chose Playboy as its first channel for its service.

101 Arrests in China for Internet Obscenity

Officials in the Chinese Government recently announced they had arrested 101 people last August in a beefed-up attempt to curb Internet obscenity in the country.

China Opens Clinic for ‘Internet Addicts’

China has seen a sharp rise in wealth in recent years, making personal computers more affordable to the average citizen and leading to a boom in computer usage. While this news is positive, government officials say it has bred one negative side effect: young people who can’t pull themselves away from their PCs.

Commerce Supports ICANN’s Control of Internet

In the most declarative statement to date involving the international skirmish to control the Internet’s governance, the U.S. House Commerce Committee allied itself with the White House Friday in opposition to the United Nations’ push to assume a more integral role in governing the web.

U.S. Asserts Continued Control Over the Internet

David Gross, the U.S. State Department’s coordinator for international communications and information policy, on Thursday rejected demands from the European Union, the United Nations and several foreign countries to be granted more decision-making power and a larger role in overseeing the Internet.

Congress Urged to Pass Internet Taxation Bill

A federal bill that has reached a House subcommittee would establish a clear definition of when states can levy income taxes, franchise taxes and business activity taxes on companies that have no physical presence in state, according to a new study.

EU Promises Hands Off Internet

In a move looked at with both skepticism and hope by many in the online world, officials at the European Union announced today that new broadcasting rules scheduled to hit Europe later this year will not include new regulations of the Internet. Offers Internet Enabled Vibrator

CYBERSPACE – in conjunction with Doc Johnson and have announced the availability of the Internet Enabled Rabbit Vibrator; a new virtual reality sex device that makes it possible for sex partners to stimulate each other using any two Internet connected computers.

Hefty Fines Proposed for Internet Ads

Emails containing adult content that end up in a child’s inbox could result in some hefty fines for the sender, at least in Michigan and Utah. Both states just passed tough new laws that aim to prosecute any company that (inadvertently or not) sends ads for everything from pornography to R-rated movies to children.

Open Source Internet-TV

Independent video producers in search of a new means to deliver their content online have a new friend in the nonprofit world, thanks to open-source software released today by The Participatory Culture Foundation.

Ultra-Fast Internet Phones Not Far Off

Ultra-fast Internet phones with DVD-quality video are coming, thanks to new wireless technology that can access content faster than the average fixed-line broadband connection.

Elegant Angel Names New Head of Internet Division

CHATSWORTH, Calif. – Elegant Angel owner Patrick Collins has announced the hiring of webmaster, Chef Jeff, as the head of the Elegant Angel Interactive division.

Colin Farrell Sex Tape Blocked From Internet

The Colin Farrell sex tape that recently surfaced will most likely never see the light of cyberspace, a judge ruled yesterday in Los Angeles Superior Court after extending a temporary restraining order that bars Farrell’s ex-girlfriend, Nicole Naraine, from marketing the tape over the Internet or through any other media outlet. Offers Internet-enabled Toys

LOS ANGELES – Convergence Inc.'s is now selling a Rabbit style vibrator and masturbator for men that can be connected to a computer, enabling remote users to control the vibrator through the Internet.

Industry Reacts to Proposed Tax on Adult Internet

After an initial period of shocked silence regarding the proposed 25 percent federal tax on adult Internet transactions, the industry is speaking out on the issue.

Plan to Tax Adult Internet Companies Revealed

Targeting those who are “profiting by exploiting children and promoting irresponsible and obscene behavior,” Sen. Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark., on Wednesday announced a regulatory assault on the online adult industry with legislation that would impose a 25 percent excise tax for all adult transactions.

Special Panel Won’t Ax U.S. Internet Obscenity Law

A special federal panel has rejected an appeal to topple the Communications Decency Act of 1996, which makes it a crime to send obscenity over the Internet to children.

ICANN President Blasts U.N. Push for Internet Control

ICANN President Paul Twomey said members of the international community who have been calling for the United Nations to take control of the Internet away from his organization and, ultimately, the United States are “living in a political fantasy land.”