
News & Articles
523 results:

Keeping It In Perspective

It seems that with the coming of fall, the coming of the pre-holiday rush grips us. We all seem to be rushing about, updating this and that, pulling this sponsor to replace with another sponsor and coming up with all kinds of delightful promos to encourage surfers to stick around instead of leave us during the holiday slow down.

Tala ·

Commtouch High on Anti-Spam Patent It Acquired

Commtouch Software Ltd. said that it has acquired Patent No. 6,330,590, which covers a system that monitors live email, identifies certain characteristics of the message that appear in more than one email and blocks other emails with the same signature ID.


Keep It Uncluttered

Starting a new website or redesigning an existing one? Suffering from a lack of inspiration on how to fashion and structure the site? Need a clue on just how to proceed? The motivation to make your product and service available online is just one element of many that have to be in place before your business is able to pursue an effective and profitable web presence. Now you just have to figure out how to build that website and what kind of form it will take.

Brian Dunlap ·

It Is Official: Broadband Now Rules

Broadband is finally king. For the first time in the United States, 51 percent of online users use a high-speed DSL, cable or ISDN connection, according to ratings firm Nielsen//NetRatings.


You Want It When?

"I like deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly past." – Douglas Adams

Tala ·

Keeping It Real

The adult industry is one of the best working environments in the world. Those of us who are steadily making names for ourselves are proud proof of what can be accomplished with a little time and a lot of energy and effort.

Tala ·

Yahoo Said It More Than Doubled Profit

More consumers are using the Internet and advertisers are rushing to market products to them. That is the indication Internet bellwethers are expected to report in yet another quarter of strong revenue and earnings growth. On Wednesday, Yahoo said net income more than doubled.

Brittany Andrews Plays It Safe

Adult star Brittany Andrews of Britco Pictures has teamed with Porno Dan of for a two-day content shoot this week to raise awareness about safe sex alternatives for the adult industry.


Does It Really Matter Who You Know?

Once upon a time, there was a magical thing called the Internet. This Internet was home to many informational things called websites. These websites could teach, inform, and entertain the newly emerging masses called “Net Geeks”.

Tala ·

Is College Really Worth It?

When you are working your butt off trying to make ends meet and get yourself a college education, the question of whether or not college is a good idea often flutters through your subconscious mind – often right before a big exam...

Tala ·

Porn Chicken 'The Way You Like It'

Sex and chicken may not be an immediate association the average consumer would make right off the bat, but a Burger King ad campaign that used a porn chicken and faux webcam website to launch one of the more successful fast food marketing strategies in recent years is scheduled to launch the second half of its campaign on television this weekend.


Does It Really Matter?

In the adult industry, what makes the biggest difference in terms of money? Are we so jaded and lost that we don’t see new ways of making cash, but instead stick to our guns and run with what we know?

Tala ·

Playboy Targets Magazine as It Launches French Website

Playboy Enterprises Inc. is asking a French court on Tuesday to criminally charge the owner of French women’s weekly Voici for republishing Playboy content. The legal action comes after Playboy expanded its online and wireless content in France this month.

Is It ‘Who Gets on First?’

After nearly 46 years stuffed in a filing cabinet, an FBI document has been released detailing an investigation brought on by a Los Angeles Police Department vice squad informant who said Bud Abbott, of Abbott and Costello fame, owned some 1,500 reels of porn.


Do It Yourself Copyright Law

When Webmasters are asked about whether or not they have retained counsel, the most frequent response I hear is "A Lawyer? I can't afford one!" - If this sounds like a response that you would give, then here’s an article for you

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

How Hard Could It Be?

The first thing Tala asked when she started working in the adult industry was, “How hard could it be?” That was the last time she asked that question – getting a fast education in just how hard it can be

Tala ·

Porn Today: Is It Worth It? Part 2

In the first part of this series, I told you that I’ve been thinking about the online adult industry – where it’s been, where it is, and where it’s now headed – and how an onslaught of legal perils isn't the only hurdle to be overcome. Let's look at the rest of the story

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Porn Today: Is It Worth It? Part 1

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about the online adult industry – where it’s been, where it is, and where it’s headed. The broad market trend, current events, and a few really insightful comments have left me wondering if it’s all worthwhile.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

InterNext: How Was It For You?

Attending InterNext for the big boys is just another walk in the park, but what about the smaller players and individual webmasters attending? For those of you who can remember exactly where you were and what you were doing on the nights of Jan. 6th - 8th, congrats!

Totemack ·

Why I Did It: Working With Walnuts, Part 3

In this installment of my ongoing "Why I Did It" series, I'm going to finish discussing one of my favorite new site building techniques: "Working With Walnuts" ~ a conceptual approach to the use of "includes" for fast and easy page formatting, and simple site maintenance. Check it out:

Stephen Yagielowicz ·