
News & Articles
44 results:

Apple Rejects App Because It Could Download 'Kama Sutra'

Apple is once again drawing fire because of its restrictive policy against anything adult for the iPhone.

Court: Club Kama Sutra’s Menu Not Consistent With Zoning

The Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania has ruled in favor of old-fashioned dining etiquette, deciding that sexual activity is not an “accessory use” to Club Kama Sutra.

PleasureMeNow Offers Kama Sutra Primer

PleasureMeNow.com is providing a free e-book of the Kama Sutra for its free newsletter subscribers in the month of November, as well as the its own Sexual Positions Guide with 100-plus unique sexual positions.

New Kama Sutra Worm Corrupts Microsoft Documents

A new worm that already accounts for one in every 15 pieces of malicious code carries a "nuclear option" payload that corrupts data in a slew of popular file formats, a Finnish security firm warned Friday.