German Proposal to Block Payments to AV-Noncompliant Adult Sites Closer to Ratification
Germany is moving closer to implementing rules that would prohibit financial institutions from providing payment services to adult sites deemed to have inadequate age verification systems and would also make it easier for the government to target websites mirroring the content of such sites.
Google, Microsoft Combat Piracy in U.K. Search Results
For an industry as plagued by piracy as adult entertainment has been, any efforts to stem the tide are seen as good news.
Microsoft Event Reveals Future of Mixed Reality
Microsoft has unveiled its vision for the future, with a special Windows 10 and Surface event held earlier today in New York.
Microsoft to Remove 'Revenge Porn' Links
Microsoft said Wednesday that it will honor requests to remove Bing search results for nude or sexually explicit images when it is notified by a “revenge porn” victim.
Video: Microsoft’s ‘Project Spartan’ Heralds End of Internet Explorer
Microsoft has announced an end to an era in Internet history, with a decision to drop its widely used Internet Explorer browser from the next version of its Windows operating system.
New Devices Point Way to Online Sales in 2015
As the holiday shopping season wraps, new media devices are guiding content companies and marketers to new opportunities.
Microsoft Begins Accepting Bitcoin
In a big boost to Bitcoin barons, Microsoft has announced that consumers may now exchange Bitcoins for the company’s apps and games for Windows, Windows Phone and Xbox.
Microsoft Touts RoomAlive Visor-Free Immersion
The promise of a real-world “Holodeck” is coming closer to reality, with Microsoft’s unveiling of its RoomAlive technology.
Microsoft Reveals Windows 10
Web developers may want to get a jumpstart on the latest version of Microsoft’s popular Windows operating system (OS), with the release of its Version 10 preview.
Photosynth Turns Still Images Into Interactive 3D
When it comes to selling images online, merchants in the highly competitive realm of adult entertainment will tell you that it takes more than a pretty face to close a deal today — a unique selling proposition (USP) is needed — something that you can offer that the other guy doesn’t; which in the saturated porn market, may not mean a new performer as much as it means a new way of enjoying the existing crop of talent.
Microsoft Debuts Internet Explorer Developer Channel
Adult website developers will now get a head start on deploying the latest web technology, with Microsoft’s launch of the IE Developer Channel.
Microsoft Boosts Bing Search Speed Via Custom Chips
Microsoft has announced its adoption of a new technology for blinding fast search speeds, called “Catapult,” which the company hopes will put its Bing search engine into the fore.
Dev Depot: WebMatrix 3, Web Development Goes On Fast Track
Rarely built on static HTML, websites today often require a range of technologies that are difficult and time consuming to integrate. Fortunately, a selection of tools is available to smooth over the rough spots and make development much easier than before.
Microsoft Sues Acacia Over Mobile Deals
Microsoft sued Acacia Research Corp. today, claiming the patent company of breaking a contract "to license various smartphone and mobile computing technologies to Microsoft," according to Reuters.
Google, Microsoft Unveil Technology to Block Child Porn
Sparked by U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron’s demands that the Internet giants need to rid the web of child porn, Google and Microsoft announced today new technologies to block online child abuse images and queries.
BrowserSwarm Launches to Test JavaScript Frameworks, Libraries
Microsoft on Thursday launched BrowserSwarm, an open-source tool for testing JavaScript frameworks and libraries across browsers and devices.
Next Generation Video Consoles Ready for Porn
Make a new technological device for consumers, and the adult entertainment industry will figure a way to put porn on it. This historical truth will be revisited this holiday season, as new consoles from Microsoft and Sony take the stage.
Thrixxx Unveils Simulation Software for Microsoft Surface Tablet
Sex simulation software producer today unveiled “3DSexVilla” for the Microsoft Surface Pro 2 tablet.
U.K. Calls Summit With Google, Microsoft, Facebook to Block Porn
British Culture Secretary Maria Miller has summoned the leaders of Google, Microsoft, Facebook and U.K.-based ISPs to a summit in two weeks to request closer industrywide cooperation to block unwanted online content.
Dev Depo: Modern.IE, Eases Internet Explorer Development
Once upon a time, web design for the real world meant catering to the latest version of Microsoft’s market leading Internet Explorer web browsing software which dominated the consumer marketplace — with 85 percent plus of surfers using it. A lack of standards compliance along with operational quirks has always hampered designers’ enthusiasm for the platform, however; and as alternatives such as Firefox and Google Chrome, as well as increases in mobile and other device consumption has re-shaped the playing field, recent figures reveal that only around 20 percent of users now employ Internet Explorer 9 or 10 via desktops PCs. This remains a sizeable market share that simply can’t be ignored, even as problems persist for designers seeking backwards-compatibility for this vast audience.