Porn Gone Wild
Porn has never been so popular. Some surprising statistics released by Nielsen/NetRatings this week estimate that 34 million porn sites were visited in August of this year; that translates into one in four Internet users making a regular habit of viewing porn online
Porn Over P2Ps No Different
Government lawmakers are getting their fair share of porn exposure and they don't seem to be any closer to making a decision on how to stymie the flow of porn over P2P networks since a September panel asked whether P2P porn is worse than regular Internet porn
Brits Launch Child Porn Amnesty
While the program is not yet formalized, ACPO is considering a program through which confirmed sex offenders can surrender their hard drives to investigators. The hard drives would either be destroyed or wiped clean
India Cracks Down On Porn
City government in Bombay has launched an initiative to crack down on Internet access to porn by making the country's cyber café owners stick to stricter citywide policies, such as yearly licensing fees, and using software filters
Australia Post Porn Racket
Upper management at The Post discovered this week that more than 50 of its statewide bureau managers and staff members have been routinely exchanging hardcore pornographic emails and videos after an email got sent to the wrong address
Porn Virus Hits Hard
The offer of free porn is apt to peak the interest of many email recipients, particularly when a woman named Wendy promises to share details of a secret sexual encounter. But once the attachment is opened, the same old song and dance begins
Detective Jailed For Child Porn
After a roommate accidentally discovered pornographic images on his housemate's computer, a well-regarded police detective who was routinely assigned to child crime cases was booked and jailed this week
Wi-Fi Porn Trend
Toronto police have arrested a man in a strange and very high-tech case of wirelessly downloading child porn from other people's high-speed computer networks from a moving vehicle
China's Porn Potential
For adult entertainment companies still scanning the global landscape for potential porn growth, China is an increasingly viable target region as government-imposed social and political mores weaken
Yahoo! Profits From Porn, Again
After nearly two years of going without porn, Yahoo! has tossed its name back into the blue ring and will once again feature adult entertainment advertising
Ex-Councilor Jailed For Child Porn
A former representative for the Tories was sentenced to six months in jail by magistrates for possessing materials that depicted minors in exploitive sexual activities
The Polarization of Porn
There are a wide variety of threats to our industry, and I am sad to say that not all of them are external. Seeing a shift towards increased infighting, I felt that it was time to speak out
New Porn Virus
Just after the release of peer-to-peer virus W32/SpyBot-W last week, the latest viral newcomer is posing under the variety of porn-related file names like gay.exe, lesbiansex.exe, pamela.exe, porn.exe, and xvid.exe
Porn Dialer Case Closed
The 39-year-old hacker has been charged with fraud and virus distribution and narrowly escaped Bill Gates' bounty pledge this week that could have made some lucky tipster a very wealthy man or woman
Michigan Gets Tough on Porn
A new law signed by the state's Governor Jennifer Granholm will legally require bookstores, video retailers, magazine kiosks, and all media retail outlets to conceal sexually explicit materials from minors
Section of Child Porn Law Tossed
A Knox County judge dismissed a section of state law on child pornography calling it unconstitutional. Proving future child pornography allegations could become a formidable task
Porn Star Casting Call
Silhouette began shooting a new pay-per-view reality series this week titled "Can You Be A Porn Star?" The series will be hosted by adult video stars Tabitha Stevens, gubernatorial candidate Mary Carey, and Ginger Lynn
Bush Backlash on Porn
Last week's "Protection from Pornography Week" was right in step with what Bush critics have been calling a concerted effort on the part of his administration to rid the world of pornography, regardless of the First Amendment.
More Women Into Porn
More women are accessing porn online, and while those numbers are still far from eclipsing the amount of men that traffic porn sites, women are steadily becoming paying consumers of Internet pornography
Sweeping Child Porn Bust
Two former teachers and 17 other suspects were brought into custody as part of a prolonged investigation into a child porn ring in Southern California. The charges range from sexual solicitation to distribution of child porn