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Observations: Summer Internext 2003

Whether you’re still in Florida, on the road, or already back home, if you attended the Internext Expo, then chances are you’re still considering all the information, attitudes, and opinions that you’ve absorbed over the past few days. Here‘s a look at some things I’ve noticed

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

InterNext Expo Wrap Up: Summer 2002

I decided to report on this InterNext Expo with a format more indicative of the overall flavor of this often-overwhelming experience - and you'll notice how quickly the tone and substance of my report changes over a few days. Enjoy!

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

InterNext Expo: Summer 2002: Hollywood, Florida

I decided to report on this InterNext Expo with a format more akin to a 'personal journal' rather than the more typical, clinical and generic 'event coverage' that is usually found. After all, there are only so many ways that you can say "We met a lot of nice people, went to cool parties, and did a lot of new business."