Articles by Danny Ferretti


Getting a Jumpstart on the Calendar Season as a Creator

Tanned and oiled bodies glistening on exotic beaches. The comforting smell of freshly mowed grass. The inevitable end of summer. While these may define the very essence of August, we should also acknowledge the fact that August is the start of the holiday calendar season.

Danny Ferretti ·

Harnessing Implied Nudity for Social Media Marketing

Using social media to sell subscriptions to your premium content is neither easy nor simple. Mainstream social media platforms tend to have strict — if not downright archaic — policies regarding what kinds of photos or images you can post.

Danny Ferretti ·

Dealing With Disruptions to Carefully Laid Content Plans

Chaos will find you. No matter how carefully you cross your t’s and dot your i’s, eventually chaos is still going to creep into your best-laid plans, hijack your time and energy, and derail your day and your psyche.

Danny Ferretti ·

Keep the Marketing Hype Going Full Steam, Nonstop

You’re a social media influencer. Or a model. Or an adult film actress, chef or fitness instructor. You’ve got great content, a huge group of influencer friends, a ton of goods to sell and all the creative tools you could possibly need to be successful. So, why isn’t the cash rolling in?

Danny Ferretti ·

How to Make, Sell and Ship Your Branded Merch

When it comes to selling your merch online, it’s great to have a multitude of channels and points of contact, but with so many choices it’s also good to understand the pros and cons of each. What works for you might not work for somebody else, and vice versa.

Danny Ferretti ·

Selling Your Brand, Platform and Merch in the 'Off Season'

You’re doing your best to sell your subscriptions, calendar, branded merch, used clothing and posters, all while posting every day — sometimes two, three or six times a day. Yet sometimes, it still feels like you’re hunting cars during boat season.

Danny Ferretti ·

Want to Sell Merch? Learn to Market Merch

Let’s get one thing straight: Marketing is not sales and sales is not marketing. They’re not even two different breeds of the same animal — they’re more like two different species.

Danny Ferretti ·

The Career Benefits of a 'Normal' Stage Name

Looking back to 15 years ago, could you have imagined that instead of Big Brother taking over the world and turning it into a dystopian sci-fi story, we would actually do it to ourselves?

Danny Ferretti ·

Growing Your Fan Base on One vs. Multiple Platforms

There are two sides to every coin. Which brings us to the great multi platform content conundrum: Should you become a creator on several sites or focus on just one?

Danny Ferretti ·

Top Tips for Creating and Selling Your Calendar

No two models are exactly alike, they will often find themselves dealing with the same set of circumstances when making the decision to create a calendar or set up branded merchandise.

Danny Ferretti ·

It Takes More Than Just Pictures to Make a Great Calendar

Any graphics designer worth the cost of his software should be able to lay out a decent calendar for you. After all, we’re talking about 12 to 15 neatly cropped photos plus a few date grids. On the surface, that seems pretty simple — but what makes a calendar above average?

Danny Ferretti ·

Advance Planning for Your XMas Calendar

Ah, July! What a strange and confusing month. For some, the thought of July conjures up visions of people in the heat of summer, glistening under a layer of sunscreen, tanning oil or sweat.

Danny Ferretti ·

Prepping Your Merch for Fan & Industry Events

There is a fine art to determining which merchandise will work best for models and performers at live events like X3 Expo, Exxxxotica and the like.

Danny Ferretti ·

Investing in Your Brand Isn't Just About the Money

Simply put, “investing” is an action you take with something to make it grow. When you think about investing, your mind’s eye may quickly conjure up images of buying into assets like stocks, real estate, NFTs and crypto in the hopes of selling those assets at a higher price than you paid for them.

Danny Ferretti ·

The Perks of Branded Merch Go Beyond Added Revenue

Would your jaw drop if you learned that most models cannot mount much of a lifestyle based solely on their earnings from branded merchandise?

Danny Ferretti ·

Investing Time, Effort and Patience as a Creator Pays Off

Simply put, “investing” is what you do to make something grow. When you think about investing, your mind’s eye may quickly conjure up images of buying into assets like stocks and real estate and NFTs and crypto in the hopes of selling those assets at a higher price than you paid for them.

Danny Ferretti ·

Having a Consistent Handle Across All Platforms Is Key

The social media platforms are filled with Instagram models, adult performers, cam models, content creators and probably 136 other species of stars and influencers in search of followers, fans and subscribers.

Danny Ferretti ·

Marketing Your Merch With Passion and Clarity

Forget the bear. If anybody does anything in the woods and nobody is around to hear it, then did anything really happen in the woods?

Danny Ferretti ·

Making and Selling Collectible Magazines and Coffee Table Books

What’s the difference between a coffee table book and a collectible magazine? Yes, I know one is a book and the other is a magazine. But there are some other big differences we need to get out of the way, so we can jump into the do’s and don’ts of making and selling them.

Danny Ferretti ·

Musings on the Challenges of Marketing Adult Content

Let’s discuss the ins and outs of marketing adult content — because it isn’t easy. I imagine that most of you reading this are somewhere between a lot younger than I am and a little older than a bag of potatoes. That being the case, you're undoubtedly full of energy, unafraid and determined to succeed.

Danny Ferretti ·