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3 results:

U.S. Justices Won’t Ax Internet Obscenity Law

The U.S. Supreme Court without comment rejected an appeal from fetish photographer Barbara Nitke, who claimed a federal decency law violated her 1st Amendment rights to post pictures of sadomasochistic sexual behavior on the web.

Special Panel Won’t Ax U.S. Internet Obscenity Law

A special federal panel has rejected an appeal to topple the Communications Decency Act of 1996, which makes it a crime to send obscenity over the Internet to children.

New Proposal Would Ax Guccione

The saga continues over Bob Guccione and the Penthouse empire. Marc Bell, who leads an equity group seeking to take over the adult magazine, filed a plan in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in New York to fire the 73-year-old Guccione without compensation.