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Backpage Defense Asks Judge to Recuse Herself Over Husband's Propaganda Pamphlet

Lawyers for the former owners of adult classified website have requested that Judge Susan Brnovich recuse herself from their ongoing trial over public statements made by her husband, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, a vocal activist against what he calls “human trafficking,” including a lurid pamphlet published by his office.

Backpage Owners' Lawyers Argue for Access to Seized Servers

Last Friday, a pre-trial hearing was held in a Phoenix federal court regarding the ongoing government lawsuit against former Backpage owner Michael Lacey and Jim Larkin.

Appeals Court Returns Ongoing Backpage Case to District Court

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a ruling yesterday sending back the  Backpage case (known as “USA vs. Larkin” after Jim Larkin, former co-owner with Mike Lacey of the adult online classifieds website) to Judge R. Gary Klausner of the Central District of California.

Sentencing of Backpage Exec Turned Key Prosecution Witness Delayed

As proceedings against founders Michael Lacey and Jim Larkin continue unraveling in California courts, the sentencing of former associate Carl Ferrer, who is now cooperating with the government as a witness against them, has been delayed until July 2020.

Cambria: Government 'Not Effective' During Backpage Appeals Hearing

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals today heard oral arguments from the appellants and the U.S. government regarding the shutting down of the classifieds website and the seizure of millions of dollars in assets.

Former Backpage Owners Claim to Be Victims of "Moral Panic" About Sex Work

Former Backpage owner Michael Lacey, who appeared alongside business partner Jim Larkin at a Libertarian gathering in Phoenix last Friday, claimed that the political/legal campaign to shut down the popular classifieds website was fueled by a "moral panic, based on a false premise [and it] has put sex workers in danger’s way.”

Federal Authorities Seize was seized by federal authorities today.

Backpage Reworded Ad and Not Protected by Section 230, Judge Rules, which has faced a string of lawsuits alleging that it facilitated sex trafficking, was handed a partial defeat yesterday in a suit filed by three teens who filed suit against the classified ad site.

New Felony Charges Filed Against Operators

New pimping and money laundering charges have been filed against the operators of, just two weeks after a judge tossed a similar case filed by state Attorney General Kamala Harris.

Judge Rejects Pimping Charges Against Backpage Officials

A judge on Wednesday tossed criminal pimping charges against the chief executive and controlling shareholders of CEO Charged With Pimping in Calif.’s CEO was arrested Thursday on pimping charges on arrival from a flight from Europe.

U.S. Justices Won't Block Subpoena for

The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday refused to block a congressional subpoena seeking information on how screens ads for sexual services. Wins Injunction Over Credit Card 'Pressure Tactics'

A federal appeals court ruled yesterday that Cook County’s sheriff violated the First Amendment rights of by pressuring Visa and Mastercard to stop processing ad sales on the site.’s CEO Is No-Show at Senate Hearing

Senators investigating sex trafficking blasted the CEO of for failing to show up at a hearing this week despite being subject to a subpoena.

7th Circuit Orders Cook County Sheriff to Back Off

A federal appeals court this week ordered the Cook County Sheriff’s Department to halt lobbying major credit card companies that do business with

Backpage Appeal Is of ‘Critical Importance,’ Industry Attorney Says

A recently filed amicus brief from the CATO Institute and the Reason Foundation in the Backpage case debunks the repeated myths circulated about sex trafficking and highlights the governmental efforts to conflate prostitution with trafficking, according to industry attorney Lawrence Walters.

Backpage Wins TRO After Credit Card Chokehold

A federal judge today approved a temporary restraining order against Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart after alleged he employed backdoor methods to pressure credit card companies to stop processing its adult services ads.

Backpage Sues After Credit Card Chokehold

Cook County Sheriff Thomas Dart illegally used backdoor methods to pressure credit card companies to stop doing business with, according to a federal lawsuit filed yesterday.

Backpage Wins TRO Over Wash. Age-Verification Law

A federal judge has sided with over a Washington state child sex-trafficking law that would require online publishers to verify the age of those shown in sex ads.