
News & Articles
928 results:

Black Widow Commits ‘Sins of the Flesh’

McKenzie Lee stars in director Mark Cremona’s "Sins of the Flesh" for Black Widow Media. The title features a 360-degree gangbang scene viewable with Windows Media 7.

Black Widow to Distribute Team Tyler

Team Tyler, performer Tyler Faith’s new production company, has signed with Black Widow Media for distribution of its future products.

Black Widow Named U.S Distributor for Strand Films

Black Widow Media has secured exclusive rights to distribute adult videos from England-based Strand Films in North America, including wall-to-wall titles from director Remington Steele.

Microsoft's Little Black Box

Mirroring black box technology used by the Federal Aviation Administration to track malfunctions related to airplane crashes, Microsoft laid plans this week to offer PC users the same type of impenetrable tracking device that can survive even the worst PC crashes.

Black Widow: New Name, Same Game

Black Widow Releasing has become Black Widow Media, and the year-old company, which once distributed its product from the warehouse of the former Private North America, has shed its old logo in favor of a new one.

Black Widow Taps MSS to Broaden Lineup

Black Widow Productions has added British company MSS to its distribution roster. The high-end English producer of adult video produces the series “UK Student House,” “UK Vice Girls” and “Glamour Girls Peeing.”

Kong Girl Topless For Kong Black Voodoo Sex Pills

Kong Girl Desi has appeared on Howard Stern, Jenny Jones and Maury Povich. See her now with her swiss beauty girlfriend Elizabeth Carson.

Aristocratic Black Sheep Becomes Porn Baron

A baron from a long line of British statesmen has reportedly chosen a life of porn rather than follow in the family's aristocratic footsteps. Thirty-six-year-old Jasper Duncombe has risked losing a $64 million family inheritance to become a pornographer.