
News & Articles
172 results:

French Court Disallows Copyright Protection

A French appeals court has issued a ruling that prohibits the use of Digital Rights Management technology on DVDs. The ruling, in essence, bans the use of DVD-based copyright-protection measures.

Google Sued Over Alleged Copyright Infringement

Agence France Presse has sued Google for $17.5 million, claiming the search engine is displaying photos, headlines and story leads on without authorization or compensation.

Federal Copyright Case Cites 'Perfect 10' Ruling

In a case of particular interest to adult webmasters, a federal court has allowed evidence of “archived” versions of content stored at a third-party website. The pretrial copyright decision was influenced by the Perfect 10 Inc. vs. Cybernet Ventures Inc. decision in 2002.

Copyright Office Pinpoints P2P Profiteers

In a recommendation given to the Senate Judiciary committee, copyright officials said that federal law should target companies that profit from or attract users primarily engaged in digital copyright infringement or otherwise help cause the activity.

DOJ Acts Against P2P Copyright Piracy

Attorney General John Ashcroft has announced details of "Operation Digital Gridlock." Calling the protection of America's intellectual property "a priority for the Department of Justice," he outlined the creation of the Intellectual Property Task Force and its subsequent successes.

P2P Firms Didn’t Violate Copyright Laws, U.S. Court Says

In a major blow to copyright holders, Grokster Ltd. and StreamCast Networks Inc. have been ruled not legally responsible for the swapping of content through their file-sharing software.

Justice Goes After Copyright Infringers

If Attorney General John Ashcroft has his way any time soon, people who infringe on copyrights via the Internet might end up owing the federal government tens of thousands of dollars and jail time for that download of the latest Outkast single.

Copyright Doesn’t Cover All of Internet, Court Rules

A federal judge has decided that a company's Internet-searching software program did not infringe on copyrights held by another website. The case has been closely watched by U.S. webmasters – both adult and mainstream – because more companies are compiling their own private search engines.

Congress Mulls Copyright Law

A new bill could enable companies to copyright databases and sets of information, making access to certain information without permission, copyright infringement.


Intro To Copyright Law

Internet copyright law is a subject often misunderstood: Terms like "fair use," "work of authorship" and "derivative works" are confusing, and many people do not know how to copyright their own work

Jim Phillips ·

Do It Yourself Copyright Law

When Webmasters are asked about whether or not they have retained counsel, the most frequent response I hear is "A Lawyer? I can't afford one!" - If this sounds like a response that you would give, then here’s an article for you

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

LFP Denies Copyright Infringement

After being served last week with a copyright infringement lawsuit filed by San Francisco-based Titan Media, Larry Flynt Publications is denying allegations that it used unauthorized content