
News & Articles
172 results:

Copyright Recapture - A New Era Is Dawning

When a company purchases an irrevocable assignment of the copyright in a work, such as a video or photograph, the company can rest assured that it will own the copyright and be able to freely exploit the work as it wishes, indefinitely, right? Wrong, at least under U.S. law.

Gregory Piccionelli ·

German Copyright Firm Plans to Out Porn Pirates

A German law firm on Sept. 1 plans to reveal the names of as many as 150,000 online users who allegedly traded porn through file-sharing networks.

FALA Jumps Into Another Porn Piracy Suit Over Copyright Issue

The First Amendment Lawyers Association has filed another amicus brief over the issue of porn and its copyright entitlements.


Copyright, Patent Reform Could Shape Adult Biz

Digital media companies are shifting business strategies in response to today’s market conditions, by pursuing pirates for profit, and by legally clubbing their competitive rivals.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Takedown Piracy Takes Top Spot on Google’s List of Copyright Infringement Reporters

Takedown Piracy reports that it is now Google's #1 reporter of copyright infringements.


Decision May Signal Change For Copyright Law

Earlier this month, the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rendered what may be a crucial decision for the future of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in Viacom vs. YouTube. While the decision sent much of the case back to the New York trial court for more litigation, many portions of the 2nd Circuit’s decision, concerning the knowledge required to find copyright infringement, may have profound consequences for useruploaded sites like tube sites and file lockers, and those whose content ends up on them.

J. Malcolm Devoy ·

Analysis: Decision May Signal Change in Copyright Law

Earlier this month, the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rendered what may be a crucial decision for the future of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in Viacom vs. Youtube.

ISPs to Begin Policing Copyright Infringement July 1

The record industry in July will start sending ISPs offending IP addresses for "graduated" responses in piracy cases.

$4M Default Judgment for Private in Copyright Suit

Private Media Group has been awarded $4 million in damages against the operators of adult tube site in a default judgment.

Swiss Government Backs Off Additional Copyright Legislation

The Swiss government will not be implementing additional copyright infringement legislation, saying that consumers who pirate content tend to spend that saved money on other entertainment expenses.

U.K. Digital Copyright Exchange Gains Support

As world governments seek to find a solution to standardizing copyright and other intellectual property rights, one good idea is coming from the U.K.

European Commission Calls for Copyright Overhaul

As the global push for copyright reform continues to escalate, several influential bodies are weighing in, including the European Commission.

New Zealand Copyright Law Impacts Internet Traffic, Experts Say

New anti-piracy laws in New Zealand have caused a drop in the volume of Internet traffic, experts say.

Court Rules Against Perfect 10 in Google Copyright Battle

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against Perfect 10 yesterday in its long-running copyright infringement battle with Google.

Copyright Holders Clash With ISPs, Citizens Over Anti-Piracy Directive

Copyright holders are clashing with Internet providers and citizens over Europe’s anti-piracy directive (IPRED), according to results from a public consultation released today by the European Commission.

Copyright Defenders Seeks to Fight Against Adult Piracy

A company called Copyright Defenders has jumped into the adult online piracy fight seeking to use its experience and technical knowledge to track down copyright infringers.

Pink Visual Vows Counterclaim After Hit With Copyright Suit

Pink Visual says it plans on filing a counterclaim against Inter-Avid Productions after being hit with a copyright infringement suit.

Private Drops $30M Copyright Suit Against Meta

Private Media Group says that it has dropped its $30 million copyright suit waged against Meta Interfaces.

New Copyright Enforcement Service Launches

A new copyright enforcement service has launched called

Attorney Evan Stone Uses New Tactic to Fight Copyright Infringers

After a federal judge in Dallas severed all but one of his defendants from each of his 14 porn BitTorrent lawsuits, attorney Evan Stone is now using a new approach to get the desired results.