
News & Articles
65 results:

DVD Security Group Investigates Next-Gen Copyright Breach

An anti-piracy technology consortium said it was in the process of investigating claims by hackers that they had cracked digital copyright protections used in next-generation DVDs.

Analysts Mixed on When Consumers Will Adopt Next-gen DVD Formats

Analysts speaking at the fourth annual DisplaySearch HDTV: The of Television Conference offered attendees a range of theories on how and when consumers might adopt Blu-ray or HD-DVD. But when it came to picking a winner in the format war, panelists balked.

Despite Benefits, U.S. Not Hot on Next-Gen Internet

While countries in Europe and Asia have begun transitioning to IPv6 — the faster, more secure next-generation Internet — U.S. Internet service providers apparently don’t see much value in making the switch.

As Next-Gen DVD Battle Heats Up, Adult Companies Weigh In

Amid reports that DVD format-unification talks have broken down between rivals Sony and Toshiba, both sides have agreed to a last-ditch, closed-door meeting between company presidents. XBiz spoke with several adult companies about the possible impact on the industry.

MCI, UNH Link to Next-Gen Internet Test Bed

MCI and UNH will link the experimental North American Internet Protocol Version 6 to existing commercial Internet backbones, enabling companies to connect directly with the IPv6 test bed and determine their level of interoperability with the new, faster web under real-world conditions.