Receives ‘Google Trusted Stores’ Badge, e-retailer of adult novelties and sexy lingerie, has announced its recent enrollment in the Google Trusted Stores program.
Google Algorithm Change Will Favor ‘Mobile-Friendly’ Sites
Google's latest algorithm change, which will favor "mobile-friendly" websites starting April 21, might make it more difficult to find some sites in Google searches.
Google Causes Algorithm Anxiety
Over the past few years, Google has caused considerable anxiety among search engine marketers through its frequent and far-reaching algorithm update announcements — a practice that may now be changing.
Hidden Gems: Digging Deeper Into Traffic Ecosystems
As adult content continues to evolve from the glory days of its time as a product for monetization into a valuable marketing hook for other products to monetize, the proliferation of new ad networks and the variety of ad services being launched each week is quickly creating a dizzying array of options for media buyers seeking to maximize their ROI on every ad spend.
New Google Report Shows When Images, JavaScript Are Blocked
Google announced this week a new report within Google Webmaster Tools called the Blocked Resources Report that helps online operators discover images, CSS and JavaScript that GoogleBot cannot reach because they are being blocked.
Google to Reward Facts Over Fans
Adult search engine marketers trying to keep pace with Google’s algorithm changes may have a new hurdle to overcome as the company reportedly explores a new fact-based website ranking system.
Google Reverses Ban on Sexually Explicit Material on Blogger
Blogger users who share sexually explicit content have been given a reprieve — Google has made U-turn decision over a policy that was set to go in effect March 23 banning the material from its blogging network.
‘Revenge Porn’ Site Operator Asks Google for Privacy Help
Craig Brittain, who ran the “revenge porn” website, has filed multiple takedown notices to Google under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
Google Tests Live Chat in Business Search Results
Google is exploring new uses for its Hangouts chat infrastructure and is testing out a service that incorporates live chat in search results.
Google Trends Ranks Papua New Guinea as Biggest Porn Hounds
Google Trends is reporting that Australia’s northern neighbor Papua New Guinea searches for porn more than any other term.
Google Banning Sexually Explicit Content on Blogger
Blogger users won’t be able to publicly share images and videos that are sexually explicit starting next month, Google said today.
Google Rolls Out ‘Upgraded URLs’
Google today announced a new release, “upgraded URLs,” for those websites that can advertise their web services via AdWords.
7 Gay Porn Performers OK’d to Subpoena Google Records
A federal judge on Tuesday gave the green light for seven gay porn performers who shoot for BelAmi Studios to subpoena Google to learn the identity of the operator of a gossip blog site who has been accused of copyright infringement.
Google Glass Is Killed Off to Make Way for New Product
Google this week said it was ceasing production and halting individual sales of its wearable computer that houses an optical head-mounted display.
Adult Billing Options Keep on Growing
As 2014 winds down, billing for adult entertainment continues to be diverse, multi-faceted and full of options. The U.S. remains, hands down, the world’s top market for adult credit card billing.
New Devices Point Way to Online Sales in 2015
As the holiday shopping season wraps, new media devices are guiding content companies and marketers to new opportunities.
Google Chrome to Issue Security Alert on Non-HTTPS Sites
In its latest move to boost the security of the web and to encourage site owners to take a more proactive approach to securing their sites, Google’s popular Chrome browser will soon begin to flag sites using HTTP as unsafe.
Google Emphasizes Mobile Device Compatibility for Websites
With a goal of helping its users find mobile-friendly pages, Google has issued a set of new webmaster guidelines and tools to help developers cater to today’s Internet.
BBC: Porn Stars Ask Google to Help to Combat Piracy
The BBC reported today that porn stars and adult studios have called on Google to help publicize legal ways to buy adult content in an effort to combat piracy.
Webmaster Central Offers Free Google Chromecast Consultations
Webmaster Central, a leading source for leased adult video content, recently added tight integration between its leased content services and Google’s Chromecast technology, a tool that is already used by mainstream platforms like Netflix and HBO GO.