
News & Articles
618 results:

Traffic Trends: Adapting to New Ways of Ranking

Many business owners lost interest in search engine optimization a few years ago when Google implemented patches like Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird and a seemingly endless number of methods in April of 2012 — all aimed at defeating black hat workarounds.

Stewart Tongue ·

Mobile Revolution's Impact On Traffic Acquisition

For companies steeped in traditional website promotion to desktop computer users, 2016’s mobile market presents some unique challenges and opportunities.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Video: Tilt Brush Targets VR Artists

While the adult entertainment industry pushes forward in the quest to bring its wares to the virtual realm, a broad array of applications are being developed by mainstream companies both large and small, as they explore the unfolding possibilities of virtual reality.

6 Credit Card Networks Sued Over 'Bad Lists'

Half a dozen credit card networks discriminate in keeping “bad lists” that prohibit the selling of adult-oriented materials, psychic services and paraphernalia such as bongs and hookahs, according to a proposed class-action suit filed on Thursday.

Google Glass to Make Comeback

Several years ago, Google rocked the tech world with the release of its revolutionary, but short-lived, Google Glass wearable computer, equipped with an optical head-mounted display.

Google to Block Repeat Offenders of Webmaster Guidelines

Sites found to violate its webmaster rules on a repeated basis may be banished from search results, Google said this week.


Mobile Traffic Solutions: Understanding Mobile Advertising

Perhaps the three most important drivers for mobile domination have happened this year.

Oliver Crane ·

Google Rebrands as Alphabet

You’re never too old or too big to change, and this goes for the corporate world as well, as evidenced by today’s announcement of Google’s new name — Alphabet.


Keeping It Juicy: The Google Redirects Vendetta

Don’t get me wrong. I like Google. Back when I was in high school they were far from the super power they are today, and it would be many years before I would start JuicyAds. Google has done this world domination thing quite well.

Juicy Jay ·

Microsoft to Remove 'Revenge Porn' Links

Microsoft said Wednesday that it will honor requests to remove Bing search results for nude or sexually explicit images when it is notified by a “revenge porn” victim.


The Move to Mobile: Many Forward Thinkers Believe in ‘Mobile First’

The recent news about mobile is coming from the content side of the business because of three recent announcements by tech giants. First Google stopped politely suggesting site owners to become mobile friendly and with their Mobilegeddon update they decided to start demanding compliance instead.

Stewart Tongue ·

SEO Trends: The Game Has Changed

There used to be a time when webmasters could simply look up the page rank of any website, see what Google thought of it and buy backlinks on the footer of pages with a guaranteed bang for their buck.

Stewart Tongue ·

White Label Webcams and What to Look for

While label cam sites were once one of the most popular cam promo tools in the adult industry. In recent years new tools have started to gain traction, and Google has taken steps to make it harder for white label owners to rank them organically.

Stewart Tongue ·

Web Depot: Boost Google Traffic By Detoxifying Site Links

With Google’s ongoing algorithm updates decimating the traffic volumes of numerous adult websites, it’s no wonder that site owners are seeking a way to fight back. Enter, a link audit and link risk management solution that helps get rid of unwanted and toxic links — assisting client sites with Google Penguin and manual penalty recovery.

Stephen Yagielowicz ·

Google to Remove Search Results for Unauthorized Postings of Sexually Explicit Images

Google today said that it will honor requests to remove search results for nude or sexually explicit images posted on the web without consent.


Alternative Payments Overcome Obstacles

The alternative payments market is becoming a bit of a misnomer because many aspects of what used to be considered “alternatives” are now being absorbed into the heart of mainstream payment services. Aspects of paperless check transactions, online verification methods and geo-targeting were once the hallmark of people trying to think differently about payment processing and like most great ideas they eventually evolve their way into commonly accepted business practices and after a while the former alternatives are now the marketplace norms or best practices.

Stewart Tongue ·

TrafficHaus Helps Adult Sites Optimize Mobile Standards for Google

TrafficHaus is working directly with top adult sites to optimize for mobile following Google’s jolting announcement of penalization for non-compliance with current mobile standards.

Report: Google Sees More Mobile Than Desktop Searches

Webmasters wondering why Google has been so concerned lately with mobility as a ranking signal have an answer: the search giant is now accessed more by mobile than by desktop users.

Affil4you Announces Google-Friendly Solutions for 'Mobile Armageddon'

Affil4you today offered some suggestions about Google-friendly solutions for the “mobile Armageddon.”

Study: Smartphone Search Traffic Inches Up Again

Tuesday’s Google algorithm update is about to change the game for mobile, and a new study on consumer behavior hints that it’s the right decision.