
News & Articles
7 results:

Iraqi Communications Minister Blocks All Adult Websites

Last Friday, Iraq's Minister for Communications, Hiyam al-Yasiri, ordered all pornographic websites in the country blocked.

Iraq Implementing Internet Censorship

Internet cafes and ISPs will be required to be licensed by the government, and licenses will be subject to review and possible cancellation if licensees do not meet compliance standards.


Country Snapshot: Iraq

Of all the territories I have covered so far in my series of snapshots outlining the Internet and telecoms characteristics of each and every country, Iraq most certainly has the lowest Internet penetration so far.

Marc Jarrett ·

Money From Asia and Iraq

Given the fact that 60 percent of the world’s population lives in Asia and that the Internet is a global medium, the profit potential from there is clearly enormous.

Marc Jarrett ·

PasswordByPhone Tackles Iraq

According to, Iraq has an Internet penetration of just 0.1 percent, but has reported paying more than $3,000 in commissions from Iraq.

Pentagon Opens Inquiry Into Amateur GI Photos From Iraq

Amateur porn message board is at the center of a Pentagon probe this week after several picture series were posted on the site that claim to portray naked female GIs in Iraq. The inquiry began last Friday after Army officials were notified of the photographs.

No IQ For Iraq

While the Iraqi people are scheduled to regain sovereignty over their country in a few short days, it appears that "the transfer of power" will not extend into Cyberspace just yet, as the Iraqi Top Level Domain (TLD) of ".iq'' has befallen an unforeseen fate...