Maxine Doogan

News & Articles
6 results:

ESPLER Project Commends 'SAFE SEX Workers' Study Act

The SESTA/FOSTA Examination of Secondary Effects for Sex Workers Study Act (aka the "SAFE SEX Workers Study Act") received praise today from the Erotic Service Providers Legal Education and Research Project (ESPLER).

SB233 Signed Into Law by California Governor

California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed Senate Bill 233, which protects against arrest for prostitution offenses when reporting serious crimes and prohibits police from using the possession of condoms as evidence of prostitution, into law.

ESPLER Holds Press Conference, Rally at Democratic Convention

Erotic Service Provider Legal Education and Research Project (ESPLER) has announced that it will be holding a press conference in conjunction with its planned rally outside of tomorrow's Democratic Convention to advocate for sex workers’ rights.

ESPLER Hosts Sex Worker Rights Rally at California Democratic Party Convention

Erotic Service Provider Legal Education and Research Project (ESPLER) has announced that it will be hosting a rally outside the Democratic Convention on June 1 to advocate for sex workers’ rights.

Trump Signs SESTA/FOSTA Into Law

President Trump signed into law on Wednesday the anti-sex-trafficking legislation known as SESTA/FOSTA.