
News & Articles
309 results:

Lawyers for Red Rose File Motion to Dismiss Obscenity Charges

Attorneys for Karen Fletcher, aka Red Rose, have filed a pretrial motion petitioning the court to dismiss the obscenity indictment against Fletcher for disseminating six allegedly obscene fictional stories on her website describing the torture and sexual abuse of children.

AG Gonzales: Attorney Was Fired Over Obscenity Case Commitment

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales explained the reasoning behind the firing of eight U.S. attorneys in December, after undergoing intense questioning by several U.S. senators during today's congressional hearing — and confirmed that Daniel Bogden of Nevada was fired over concerns regarding his commitment to pursuing obscenity cases.

Antiporn Group Plans to Deliver Anti-'Obscenity' Petitions in Six Kansas City Area Counties

The National Coalition for the Protection of Children & Families, along with pastors in the greater Kansas City area, plan to deliver petitions on May 17 requesting grand jury investigations of charges of "promoting obscenity" in six local counties.

White House May Have Tried to Purge All U.S. Attorneys, Obscenity an Issue

A Congressional investigation into the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys last year has revealed that at least one prosecutor may have been discharged because he disagreed with the Bush administration on the issue of obscenity, and that the White House had looked into replacing all U.S. attorneys to drastically redefine the policies of the Justice Department.

SlaveSpace.com Owner Guilty of Sex Trafficking, Cleared on Obscenity

A federal jury returned a mixed verdict for man known as the “S&M Svengali” who operated BDSM site SlaveSpace.com, finding him guilty of sex trafficking and forced labor but declining to side with prosecutors on the obscenity charge.

Local Lawmakers Look to Increase Penalties for Obscenity

With little debate and scant opposition, House lawmakers passed HB 1569, a measure that would increase the maximum fine for obscenity to $250,000.

Probable Cause Hearing Set in Obscenity Case

A state court judge has set a date for a probable cause hearing for the owners of Adult World, a brick-and-mortar adult DVD retailer in the Fort Smith, Ark., metropolitan area. The owners, Don and Wayne Philpot, were charged with two counts of felony obscenity and one misdemeanor count of maintaining a building to allow others to commit lewd acts.

Montana Bill Would Allow Counties, Cities to Enact Obscenity Ordinances

A bill proposed by the Montana Citizens for Decency Through Law would allow counties and cities to enact their own obscenity ordinances.

DOJ Submits Budget Requests, Asks for Increases for Obscenity, Child Porn

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has announced that the President’s 2008 fiscal year budget proposal for the Justice Department contains $21.8 billion dollars in discretionary funding, with a $25 million increase earmarked to combat child pornography and obscenity.

Extreme Associates Seeks Dismissal of Obscenity Case

During a series of pretrial filings before its federal obscenity case goes to trial, Extreme Associates and its co-owners Robert Zicari and wife Janet Romano have filed a motion to dismiss the indictments against them. The motion was filed Jan. 31.

Sen. McCain Aims to Expand Federal Obscenity Reporting Law

Speaking at the close of the 2006 legislative term, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said he plans to introduce legislation that would extend federal obscenity reporting guidelines to all forms of Internet communication when the Senate reconvenes in 2007.

Obscenity Prosecutor Gets New Job

President Bush has named U.S. Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan — best known to the adult entertainment industry as prosecutor with a predilection for obscenity prosecutions — to head up the Justice Department’s Office on Violence Against Women.

Virginia Adult Store Owners Indicted for Obscenity

Two owners of the Virginia sex shop Pheromoans were indicted on three misdemeanor charges of violating the state’s obscenity laws. Each charge carries a maximum penalty of 12 months in jail and a $2,500 fine.

Red Rose Pleads Not Guilty to Obscenity Charges

Responding to a federal grand jury indictment for obscenity, Karen Fletcher, aka Red Rose, pled not guilty at her Oct. 17 arraignment in U.S. District Court in Pittsburgh. Fletcher is alleged to have disseminated obscene fictional stories on her website describing the torture and sexual abuse of children.

Red Rose Indicted for Obscenity Over Stories About Children

A federal grand jury has returned an indictment for a woman accused of disseminating alleged obscene fictional stories on her website describing the torture and sexual abuse of children.

Religious Conservatives Urge Bush to Increase Obscenity Prosecutions

A group of religious conservative activists have joined together to urge President Bush and the Department of Justice to step up obscenity prosecutions.

DOJ Issues Obscenity Indictment

The Justice Department has indicted Danilo Simoes Croce, a Brazilian man accused of operating websites that offered "obscene videos for download or delivery in the U.S.,” according to a criminal complaint filed in the middle district of Florida.

Mich. Couple Pleads Guilty to Obscenity Charges

A husband and wife entered guilty pleas in a federal court on charges stemming from the sale of obscene videos and receiving child pornography.

2 Men Found Guilty of Obscenity Charges

A federal court sentenced two men to prison after a jury found them guilty of mailing obscene material.

Man Pleads Guilty to Federal Obscenity Charges

A man accused of distributing pornography containing bestiality and violent sexual content online and through the mail opted to plead guilty to federal obscenity charges rather than go to trial.