United Kingdom

News & Articles
26 results:

California Passes Controversial Age Verification Bill Drafted by British Baroness

The California legislature on Tuesday passed a highly controversial bill mandating sweeping yet vague age verification measures for any web site “likely to be accessed by children,” now waiting to be signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom.

Tory MP Lambasts UK Academic for Research on Anime Erotica

Tory MP Neil O’Brien launched an attack Tuesday on humanities education in U.K. universities, specifically singling out the University of Manchester for allowing a Ph.D. student's research on Japanese cartoon erotica.

Controversial UK 'Online Safety Bill' Debate Postponed Until Autumn

The U.K.’s controversial Online Safety Bill has been removed from the House of Commons schedule next week, reportedly to be revisited “in the autumn.”

UK Government Unveils Controversial 'Digital Safety Bill'

Boris Johnson’s Conservative government in the U.K. has finally unveiled its controversial “Online Safety Bill,” and introduced it in Parliament today.

UK's Online Safety Bill Criticized Over Expanding Scope

The U.K. government continues expanding the scope of a proposed Online Safety Bill, despite criticism by opponents and digital rights advocates that it is increasingly becoming an out-of-control, repressive “kitchen sink” bill.

UK Parliament Forms 'Super Committee' to Review Proposed 'Online Safety Bill'

The UK Parliament has formed a joint "super committee" to pore over the government's proposed Online Safety Bill and has called for public comment on the legislation.