
News & Articles
120 results:

German Travel Agency Plans Nude Flight

A German travel agency, is offering nudist tourists a chance to start their vacation early: They're chartering a private plane so passengers can fly to their destination nude

German ISP May Block Access to Google

A German adult website operator has filed for expedited proceedings in the district court in Frankfurt to force the German ISP Arcor to block and in order to prevent the display of adult images without age verification, which is prohibited under German law.

German Internet Provider Blocks Adult Sites

European Internet provider Arcor reportedly is blocking their ISDN/DSL subscribers from access to certain adult-oriented websites. The company is Germany’s second largest provider of fixed line phone.

German Politician Expelled From Party Over Porn Role

A German politician who appeared in an adult film five years ago was booted from a local branch of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union party officials announced.

German Dialer Operators Convicted of Computer Fraud

Prosecutors were successful in the conviction of two men who used a dialer operation over 15 months that infected nearly 100,000 PCs and netted nearly $17.2 million. Once installed, the Trojan horse devices used premium rate “0190” phone numbers linked to an online adult website.

TranslationsXXX in German

TranslationsXXX, an adult industry translation agency, has launched a German version of its website.

ISPs Running TOR Part of German Porn Crackdown

Raiding seven ISPs last week, German law enforcement is beefing up its efforts to combat the scourge of child pornography. A total of 10 servers were confiscated from the companies, all running the same program that keeps Internet traffic anonymous.

Private, Erotic Media Target German Surfers With Launch

Viewing Germany as a cash cow with an abundance of surfers seeking adult content, Private Media Group has set its sight on expanding its video offerings with a partnership with Erotic Media AG.

German Magazine Spots Copyright Protection Gap in HD DVD, Blu-ray

Hacking isn’t reserved solely for the realm of tech-savvy computer geeks, as a German magazine recently proved when it highlighted a major flaw in the copy protection systems for both HD DVD and Blu-ray, the two competing next generation DVD formats.

Private Teams With Erotic Media for German Market

Private Media Group and Erotic Media announced two deals — one for pay-TV content, the other for video-on-demand — in a bid to dominate the adult market in German-speaking Europe.

EuroRevenue Launches German Goo Boys

ZURICH, Switzerland — Josef Holm, owner and founder of, has launched

German Police Bust International Child Porn Ring

German police swooped in on a major child pornography ring today, raiding 113 premises nationwide and seizing computer disks, videos and pictures.

German Producers Jailed in Prague for Child Porn

Two German men have been sentenced in Prague City Court to 22 and 12 months in Czech prison after they were found guilty of making pornographic movies using underage girls.

Microsoft Pins Spam Suit on German Company

Microsoft filed suit this week against an unnamed company for sending millions of spam emails advertising online adult sites. The company, based in the North Rhine-Westphalia region of Germany, runs a network of companies in Ukraine and the United States.

German Inventor Creates Robot Sex Doll

Taking the success of the RealDoll and the Superbabe to the next level, a German inventor has reportedly created a robot sex doll with a heart rate, body heat and the ability to accelerate breathing during sex.


The German Sex Industry

What a difference a decade makes! Germany, once perceived as having one of the most tolerant attitudes to porn, is now one of the most regulated markets. Anyone wishing to sell into Europe's largest market must now adhere to the rules as laid down by the government. Your tours must be 'FSK16' – softcore – and your members area cannot be accessed without an AVS. Once inside, anything goes – apart from the obvious such as bestiality or child porn.

Marc Jarrett ·

German Supreme Court Rules On Domain Name Ethics

The German Supreme Court overruled several lower courts recently, finding that registering generic domain names did not constitute an unethical intent to cause damage.

German Version of Firefox in Hot Water

After promising to offer a browser free of adware and spyware – a feature that made Firefox instantly favored by a large sector of the online community – the German version of the popular open-source browser is being heavily criticized for using adware.

German Appeals Court Fines Adult Website for AVS

A Berlin court ruled against the owner of an adult website and set a tougher standard for age verification, a spokesman said Monday. The webmaster was fined 1,600 euro after judges found that asking for a national identity number was not sufficient for verifying a surfer’s age.

German Seeks Payments for '@' Symbol

A German man is reportedly claiming to be the international copyright holder for the @ symbol. Invoices are instructing recipients to pay from $12 to $37 per year to “Account Holder: Robert-Alan Lucht” in order to license Internet and email use of the @ symbol.