Lawrence Walters

News & Articles
35 results:

Legislation Would Commission Study of Cryptocurrency in Sex Trafficking

A new piece of legislation introduced yesterday — the Fight Illicit Networks and Detect (FIND) Trafficking Act of 2018 (H.R. 6069) — could become problematic for adult entertainment cryptocurrencies, if passed.

Legislation Could Imperil Payment Processing Services for Some Adult Sites

Some adult site operators could lose access to banking or processing services if the End Banking for Human Traffickers Act is put into law.

Email Privacy Case Dismissed Following Passage of CLOUD Act

The Supreme Court yesterday dropped a case on its docket that probed whether emails and other data stored overseas are subject to U.S. search warrants.

Theories Are Flying as to Why Trump Hasn't Signed SESTA

So what’s the deal with the anti-sex trafficking bill known as SESTA?

Stormy Daniels Reveals Sordid Details in CBS '60 Minutes' Interview

Adult superstar Stormy Daniel’s CBS “60 Minutes” interview didn’t offer any bombshells tonight, but it did narrate her alleged one-time sexual relationship with President Trump before he was elected to the top elected position in the U.S.

Chaturbate Wins 4 Cybersquatting, Typosquatting Cases

Chaturbate, one of the leading cam sites on the web, has scored four victories against domain squatters in recent weeks.

MLB's Royals Host Anti-Porn Workshop for Players, Coaches

The Kansas City Royals, which had an 80-82 record last season, apparently have more worries than winning games.

House Passes Legislation to Penalize Websites for Sex Trafficking

The U.S. House of Representatives today passed H.R. 1865, a piece of legislation known as FOSTA, which would make it easier to penalize operators of sites that facilitate online sex trafficking.

Decision Raises Bar for DMCA Safe Harbor Defense

A recent federal appeals court ruling provides significant guidance on the obligations imposed on internet service providers to terminate repeat infringers under the DMCA.


Adult Industry Legal Update: September, 2002

This month's legal update examines several recent concerns over the legal issues surrounding adult Websites, and the current level of prosecutorial threat. Here's the latest information that you need to know...

Lawrence G. Walters ·

XBIZ Welcomes Attorney Lawrence Walters as Blog Columnist

XBIZ is pleased to announce the addition of noted 1st Amendment attorney Lawrence Walters to its roster of distinguished blog columnists.

Adult Industry Attorney Lawrence Walters to Appear on 'Today Show'

Adult industry attorney Lawrence Walters will appear on tomorrow’s “Today Show” to discuss decriminalizing the controversial trend among teens known as “sexting.”

Lawrence Walters New FALA President

Noted First Amendment attorney Lawrence Walters has been named President of the respected First Amendment Lawyers Association (FALA).

Attorney Lawrence Walters on 'The O’Reilly Factor'

First amendment lawyer Lawrence Walters was a featured guest on Fox News’ "The O’Reilly Factor" Thursday night, discussing the foiled terrorist plot in the U.K. and Scotland Yard’s use of National Security Agency (NSA) wiretap surveillance to execute the arrests of 21 terrorist suspects.

ASACP Honors Lawrence Walters With Annual Service Recognition Award

During the 3rd annual XBiz Awards at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Resort, Adult Sites Against Child Pornography presented its 2005 Annual Service Recognition Award to veteran First Amendment attorney Lawrence G. Walters.