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The Atlantic Publishes Criticism of 'War on Porn' Tactics

The Atlantic published an opinion piece today that criticizes the ongoing War on Porn campaign and its attempts to shut down legal adult content on the internet.

Reddit Becomes Latest Platform to be Sued for Adult Content Uploads

After years of being targeted by religious anti-porn organization NCOSE (formerly Morality in Media) for allowing sexual content by third-party uploaders, Reddit has now become the latest defendant in an orchestrated campaign of civil lawsuits attempting to challenge Section 230 protections in the name of protecting “victims of sex trafficking.”

Anti-Porn Group NCOSE Admits Attempting to Influence Google Search Results

In an unusually candid disclosure of their behind-the-scene activities to “eradicate all pornography,” leading U.S. anti-porn organization NCOSE (formerly known as Morality in Media) admitted yesterday in an official press statement that they have been holding “ongoing conversations with Google about search engine results.”

Pornhub: Canadian MPs Finally Invite Sex Worker Advocates

Late last Friday, the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics of Canada’s House of Commons finally caved in to public concerns about bias and invited three representatives from sex worker advocacy groups to ongoing hearings today targeting MindGeek and Pornhub.

Anti-Porn Crusaders NCOSE, Exodus Cry to Brief Congressional Staff Today

As part of their “Dismantle Pornhub” campaign, leading religiously inspired anti-porn crusading group NCOSE (formerly known as Morality in Media) will be holding an “online briefing for U.S. congressional staff” today.

NCOSE Targets MindGeek Competitor WGCZ With New 'Trafficking' Lawsuit

Anti-porn group NCOSE — formerly known as Morality in Media — is co-sponsoring another lawsuit alleging a wide-ranging number of “human trafficking” violations, this time against companies associated with MindGeek’s Europe-based competitor WGCZ, the parent company of tube site XVideos.

Judge Allows NCOSE-Driven 'Trafficking' Claim Against Studios to Move to Trial

In an unusual ruling supporting a lawsuit sponsored by NCOSE (aka, Morality in Media) attempting to link adult industry studios to “human trafficking,” a California judge ruled that, although the contracts signed by a former performer were valid, the arbitration agreements that were part of them should be disregarded and the lawsuit should move forward.

NCOSE Spearheads Another Liability Lawsuit Against Pornhub, MindGeek

A group of lawyers — including members of the legal team of religiously motivated anti-porn crusading organization NCOSE — have filed a civil class action suit in Birmingham, Alabama against Pornhub’s parent company MindGeek, on behalf of two women who alleged illegal videos of themselves were uploaded to the platform by third-party users.

Utah: Religiously Inspired NCOSE Speaks to House Committee in Support of 'Porn Block'

A Utah House of Representatives committee meeting yesterday to discuss a lawmaker’s proposal requiring all “new electronic devices” sold in the state to have pornography filters turned on by default, featured a presentation by a representative of religiously-inspired anti-porn lobby NCOSE.

Religiously Inspired Group NCOSE Files FOSTA Lawsuit Against Twitter

Religiously inspired anti-porn lobby NCOSE (National Center on Sexual Exploitation, formerly known as Morality in Media) helped file a lawsuit yesterday against Twitter over a third-party user post, based on the Section 230 loophole opened by the passage of FOSTA-SESTA legislation in 2018.

The New War on Porn: How Moral Crusaders, Mainstream Media and Politicians Are Gunning for XXX

In early December 2020, the world entered the 12th month of an unprecedented pandemic, COVID-related financial losses to individuals and businesses ravaged the economy, Congress bickered over relief measures and the President of the United States continued in his historic refusal to acknowledge the results of a presidential election.

Instacart Pressured Into Confusing Partnership With Anti-Porn Group NCOSE

Last week, the National Center On Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE), a leading War On Porn organization, pressured grocery-delivery giant Instacart to add the religiously inspired activist group as a “safety resource” to its popular app.

Anti-Porn Lobby NCOSE Amps Up Pressure on Credit Card Companies

Religiously inspired anti-porn lobby National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) is currently stepping up its pressure on credit card companies to force them to stop processing payments for sexually-oriented industries, according to documents reviewed by XBIZ.

Leading Religious Anti-Porn Group Exploits COVID-19 to Spread Propaganda

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE), a religiously-inspired lobby that is behind the language of the discredited “porn is a public health crisis” campaign, continues exploiting the actual COVID-19 health crisis to persuade corporations to spread their propaganda message.

This Is How Google News Helps Spread Misinformation (About Porn)

A week ago, an XBIZ report debunked a propaganda news release disseminated by anti-porn activist organization NCOSE (formerly known — before a deceptive rebranding — as Morality in Media) claiming that United Airlines had caved under the pressure of one of their campaigns and had decided to "combat rising in-flight porn use."

NCOSE Makes False Claim Regarding United Airlines Sexual Harassment Policy

"VICTORY" proclaimed the headline, in triumphant capital letters, of a now-refuted claim by the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) that they had slain one of their identified beasts.

Local News, State Legislatures, Churches Bombarded With Anti-Porn Propaganda Blitz

An Alabama op-ed by an obscure graduate student, a piece of legislation quietly introduced in Oklahoma and a clickbaity tech news item peddled by a small Michigan startup. These might seem unrelated items to an uninformed observers but they are all part of a propaganda blitz currently being unleashed by War on Porn crusaders during this electoral year.

Evangelicals, Catholic Leaders Ramp Up Attack on Adult Content

A noticeable ramping up of anti-porn rhetoric among religious groups involved in the War on Porn is coinciding with the lengthy 2020 presidential campaign in the U.S.

NCOSE Announces 2019 'Dirty Dozen' List

America’s legal adult entertainment industry has long faced ideologically driven zealots bent on its destruction, but as their censorship efforts have largely failed in the face of consumer choice and First Amendment protections, anti-porn activists continue to broaden the range of companies and other entities whose behavior they find unacceptable; embracing “trafficking” and other nebulous terms as their new call to arms.

Utah House of Representatives Calls Porn a 'Public Health Crisis'

Anti-porn propagandists have scored a victory in their crusade of intolerance against free expression and consumer demand, with Utah’s House of Representatives passing a resolution that declares pornography to be a public health crisis.