Ryanair Stewardess Reveals She’s Porn Star Edita Bente
Web porn star Edita Bente appears to have found the right balance with her other job as a Ryanair stewardess. Bente appears on numerous adult websites, including those run by, and
Dutch Hosting Company to Implement New Child Porn Filter
Web hosting provider Lease Web has implemented a new child porn filter on all of its sites.
Challenges for Porn
I wish I could wave a magic wand and have all city and state governments be enlightened about the harm they heap on adult entertainment and the citizens who want access to our products.
Authorities Seize Computers, Make Arrests in Child Porn Bust
Forensic technicians in Georgia are searching for evidence of child pornography on the hard drives of more than 100 computers seized by local, state and federal officials as part of Operation Shattered Innocence.
The Hottest Girl in Porn Winners Announced
The winners for the 2008 Hottest Girl in Porn contest have been announced.
Former Japanese Porn Director Wins Oscar
Porn stars crossing over to achieve mainstream success isn’t just limited to the ranks of performers, or America. At the 81st Academy Awards held last week in Hollywood, Calif., a former Japanese porn director took home the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.
Crazy Cabbie Fielding Offers for Porn Movie Shot in Howard Stern’s Studio
After many years of rumors and innuendo about an adult movie shot in Howard Stern’s former studio, the tape’s mastermind is officially — and aggressively — shopping the footage to the highest bidder.
4 BBW Porn Stars Sue L.A.'s Adultcon
Adultcon has been sued by a quartet of BBW adult performers who allege they signed on as exhibitors and then were bounced from the December show after the operator viewed their photos.
New Coalition Formed to Fight Child Porn
The U.K.-based Child Exploitation and Online Protection Center is teaming up with several major financial and technological companies to fight child pornography.
Tehran Police Bust Porn Shoot
The arrests were made at a house in a middle-class area in the east of Tehran.
Amy Fisher Explores New Life as a Porn Star
After releasing just one sex tape, Amy Fisher decided she hadn’t had her fill of the adult entertainment industry. Fisher has decided to jump into the business with both feet by launching a website, feature dance tour and is even negotiating with “one of the major studios” to become a contract girl.
Porn, the Indicator Industry
The obvious has once again bludgeoned me, to wit, the bulimic cycle applies to financial health as well. It also is a natural process, this pendulum swing between acute surfeit and scarcity, so one would be forgiven for thinking we should have a handle on the problem by now, but sadly and weirdly, we do not.
Iowa Bill Targets Parents of Porn-Viewing Kids
A bill under consideration by Iowa lawmakers proposes that parents face punishment if their children are allowed access to pornographic content.
French Connection Launches Vintage Porn Paysite
Distribution house The French Connection is touting the premiere of a paysite focusing on vintage all-male erotica from the 1970s as well as classic titles from the '80s and '90s.
Porn Poker Tour Rocks XBIZ Conference
The Porn Poker Tour entertained a huge turnout during the 2009 XBIZ Conference.
'Porn Inspector' Gets Probation
The district attorney’s office agreed to drop some of the charges after it became clear that they weren’t dealing with a sex offender, but with someone suffering from mental health issues.
Calif. Porn Tax Bill Introduced, but Rate Hasn’t Been Determined
State Assemblyman Alberto Torrico has introduced a bill that would place a tax on adult entertainment products sold in California.
Pink Visual Offers Octo-Mom Diapers If She Stays Out of Porn
Fearing that Nadya Suleman "will become the subject of endless ridicule and scorn," Pink Visual’s Kim Kyser has offered Octo-Mom a "full year's worth of diapers" if she decides not to perform for Vivid.
German Porn Star Annina stars in first SCORE Video
German adult star Annina is featured in “Annina: Das Busenwunder,” which was shot on location in the Caribbean.
Google Snafu Downs Gmail, Lets Hackers Post Porn
Glitches have plagued Internet giant Google during the last week in February, with a major outage at Gmail and the nefarious appearance of adult content on one of the company's web pages.