
News & Articles
566 results: Launches Absentee Voting Campaign

With reports indicating that the State of Florida will be critical in determining the outcome of the 2004 presidential election, and that electronic voting has produced high voter error rates during recent elections, has launched an absentee voting campaign.

Korean Political Rivals Use Porn in Smear Campaign

Sparring between two political rivals took a nasty turn this week when the president of South Korea allegedly used softcore porn to defame his conservative opponent.

Titan Launches HIV Awareness Campaign

Titan Media is putting its money back into the community and helping raise awareness on the spread of HIV. The producer of gay porn announced a campaign this week titled, “Have Fun. Play Safe!” as a way of "eroticizing" safer-sex practices for at-risk gay men and women.

EFF Launches Patent Busting Campaign

Civil liberties group the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) took a stand against bad patents Monday by announcing a new campaign to keep the United States Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) on its toes and more alert to patent submissions that have chilling effects on Internet innovation and free expression.


Developing an Inbound-Linking Campaign: 2

In Part 1 of this series we looked at helpful tips, do’s and don’ts that will help improve your link popularity and page ranking. If you have successfully performed these tasks, you should have gained some acceptable PR on your site. Now it’s time to use your


Developing an Inbound-Linking Campaign: 1

Link popularity plays an important role in the search engine game, especially when it comes to Google. Without other sites linking to you, your site's unlikely to climb to the top of the search results, but it needs some links in order to get some links